what'wrong怎么了 what's wrong with you?你有什么毛病吗 you are actually the problem. what's matter?而不能用what's the matter with you? what'the problem?而不能用what's your problem?
you don’t seem like yourself today ,are you ok?或者What's wrong?how can i help?
What's on your mind? What's bothering you? Why the long face? You don't like yourself today?
What's on your mind What's bothering you why the long face
are you ok? are you allright? are you doing ok?
you don’t seem like yourself today What's on your mind?how can i help?
how can i help? how is going
what'wrong怎么了 what's wrong with you?你有什么毛病吗 you are actually the problem. what's matter?而不能用what's the matter with you? what'the problem?而不能用what's your problem?