吉姆·戴尔 |《哈利·波特》有声书专访

吉姆·戴尔 |《哈利·波特》有声书专访


Hi, I'm Jim Dale. And I'm the narrator of the Harry Potter audio books, all seven of them and all the characters. Hope you enjoy this.


On landing the role


J.K. Rowling knew my work in England from a series of films, and she trusted me to come up with the right voices for the characters, and thank goodness she did.


On inspiration for Characters’ voices


I remember the first day in the studio and it was terrible, because I was making sounds, I was leaning too far forward, and it had to stop me every two or three seconds to say:“No, cut that out. Don't keep moving your arms, you know, we can hear it.”


I thought I don't know whether this is for me or not, but after the first two or three days I got sort of slightly used to it, and I enjoyed it terrifically.


I travelled England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland as a stand-up comedian, getting to know those people and hearing the way they spoke. And that must have stayed with me, because I find it just so easy to drop into a Scottish accent soon, you know, just mention it.


My aunt came from Edinburgh and she was Professor McGonagall, well that was true. She used to phone me, she said “Jimmy, dear, I'm coming over to America to spend a few days, and do you like taking me to the very best restaurants, so I won't bring any money with me, it’s that what I like, dear.”


On discovering “Dobby”


I found Dobby's voice 20 years before. I heard it, it was spoken by a real person. I was in a place called Selfridges department store, at Christmas in London. And it was crowded absolutely packed, and I wanted to go up in the elevator or the lift, as they say in England.


So he came up from the basement, it was packed at the door zone. So we all backed into it, backed into it, so I'm packed into this elevator. The door’s closed and in silence as we go up to the next floor, I hear a little voice behind me, saying “excuse me, sir. Can you take your bum out of my face?”


And I looked around, and I realized it's immediately behind me, lower down, and I couldn't quite turn around to see and I said “I do apologize. I'm, I'm very sorry. I can't move…” And the voice said “That’s all right. They all do…”


On remembering hundreds of voices


Look at the characters from Harry Potter from everything, from a giant to a spider to a snake, you still have to get into their heads they speak. And if they speak, they've got to be understood, and they've got to have their character come out through the voice.


You read the first page and halfway down it says “Dumbledore”, so on a pad I would write “page one, voice number one: Dumbledore”. Then I would give a description of who that character is briefly, so that I would know hesitant, a wheezy old man, you know.  

在读第一页时,然后书中出现“ 邓布利多”,我就会在笔记本上会写“第一页,第一个声音:邓布利多”。然后我会简要描述一下这个角色,以便让我知道他是一个说话一字一顿,喘息的老人。

And then I would have a small tape recorder and I would practice a couple of voices until I was satisfied. And then I would record the first sentence that Dumbledore speaks into the microphone saying voice number one.


And as we go through it, I kept stopping to save. “Just a minute, this is voice number 24, I've forgotten what it is. Let me just play the tape: voice number twenty… oh yeah Dobby.”300 voices is crazy, I didn't even know I could do two of them before I started.

我们一边录音,会一边保存下来。“请稍等一下,这是24号语音,我已经忘记了它是谁的声音。我来播放录音带:24号......哦,是的,是多比的。”300多个声音几乎让人抓狂, 我甚至都不知道在刚开始时,我能不能做下来2个。

On saying “goodbye” to Harry Potter


It was a little sad, but not, not all that sad. Because their voices, they still exist on whatever means you have of listening to them, and they were there for you to listen to and to remember, and to still get involved with their adventures for as long as you want to listen to them.


On theater’s influence on his narration


Due to theater I've been able to become the narrator that I am. You're playing to what's called an “empty house” in an audio book, but not really in your mind. You're playing to an audience who are sitting, listening at home. It's one-on-one now.


I'm not speaking to a thousand people. I’m speaking to young Alfie, who's got his headphones on. And it's, he's just hearing my voice. So it's an “one-on-one” and I'm trying to tell Alfie the story, not ten thousand people at the same time.


Everything you do in an audio book is a performance, and as similar as you would do on stage or not. I hate the word “actor”, I don't like the word “actor”. I never have act. It means putting on something “fake”, you’re acting it. I just think the word should be, just go up there and be.


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