The Lguana King -May 01,2020

The Lguana King -May 01,2020



The Iguana King


The population of green iguanas in Florida has grown rapidly in the past decade. The reptiles are not native to the state and were likely introduced through the pet trade, having either escaped from or been intentionally released by their owners. Warming temperatures across the state have allowed the species to thrive in the wild.


At the same time, iguanas are growing in popularity for another reason—their taste. Iguana is a popular dish in Central America and the Caribbean, whose immigrants comprise some of the fastest-growing populations in the state.


But the iguana boom has had consequences. The reptiles dig holes to lay their eggs, leading to erosion, and often wreaking havoc on South Florida’s many manicured lawns and golf courses. They’re also thought to spread salmonella to pets.

Iguanas now occupy a strange space in the psyche of Floridians. They are at once a sought-after pet, a destructive pest, and a delicacy. This notoriety has birthed a cottage industry of iguana enthusiasts who are able to exploit these differences. Iguana trappers can arbitrage the species between those who want them off their property and those who want them displayed in a terrarium or prepared for a dish.


In this short documentary, The Atlantic follows an iguana hunter who has found yet another revenue stream for flipping iguanas: YouTube. The Iguana King is a window into a future of conservation driven by profitability and search-engine optimization.

在这部短纪录片中,《大西洋月刊》记录了一个捕猎鬣蜥的人,他又发现了另一个卖鬣蜥的收入来源: YouTube。鬣蜥王展现了一个通过盈利能力和搜索引擎优化驱动未来的窗口。

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