21The Way to Grinlor—研磨方式

21The Way to Grinlor—研磨方式



once upon a time
in the land of respartia lived a little
girl named carly
carly was the apple of the eye to
everyone in her family
she would be treated like a princess
with everyone
telling her how pretty she was all the
time oh
my aren't you as pretty as a picture
indeed little carly was pretty but
what all the people did not realize was
that by pampering her so much
they made her extremely obsessed with
her looks
and beauty
carly would spend most of her time in
front of the mirror
admiring herself she would do nothing
not study nor play with friends as she
grew up
her narcissistic behavior became very
alarming to her mother
all she does throughout the day is stare
at herself
in that mirror and talk to herself it's
like she's losing her mind
even that poor boy stewart keeps
waiting for her carly dear
come help your mother in the kitchen
would you
how beautiful you are i could look at
all day carly
uh what is it mother
i need your help in the kitchen dear
with time all carly would think about
was her looks
she did not think about anything else
i'm busy mum i
swear this girl has become so obsessed
does she not care about anyone else
no she does not huh
who said that my name is iris
i am the angel of enlightenment your
little girl there
is quite beautiful however she does not
think about anyone else
not even her own mother
i know i know but what do i do
she never listens to a word i say
i'll help you just do as i tell you and
carly will not be so self-obsessed and
uh-huh hmm perfect
that will do the trick she's talking to
herself now
it's like she's losing her mind the next
as carly woke up the sun was shining
bright outside her window
the birds were chirping and the sweet
sound of the river flowing
could be heard in the distance carly
straight to her dressing table only to
find that her mirror was gone
huh where'd my mirror go mom
mom where is my mirror
i got rid of it all you do is sit in
front of it all day
what no this is not
fair it is for your own good my child
what do i do now how will i ever see
pretty face of mine
oh carly
what who's there come
to me carly
the mirror
on seeing the mirror in the woods carly
bolted out of the house
and ran to retrieve the mirror she
looked at herself and smiled
it was as though she was hypnotized and
mesmerized by her reflection
hello oh
come with me and through the mirror
carly went there she was greeted by many
butterflies and birds floating around
wow this is beautiful
carly oh hello
who are you i'm iris come
let me show you around i have something
special that i want you to see
iris took carly through the woods to a
beautiful castle
the castle of grinlor inside that castle
something you'll really like carly
yay they entered one of the castle's
and inside was a magnificent mirror
it's a mirror not just any mirror
this is the mirror of admiration
it looks just like a normal mirror to me
look closely you will see that it will
show you
what you admire most in the world
some see money and some see lots
and lots of power what do you see
i see myself and i'll tell you what
i do look beautiful in that red dress
ah so you see beauty
what do you mean i just see myself as
gorgeous as i am
you're wearing a pink dress dear
huh come along now there's more
wait i'm coming carly walked into the
next room
a giant room filled with many mirrors of
all shapes and sizes
look i'm short
and oh so tall
this is so much fun i love this room
as she went down the corridor laughing
at every funny sight of her
she found herself at the very end of the
standing in front of an old mirror
what does this one do this
is the mirror of reality look very
and you will see the true reality of the
world around you
carly oh no
mother why does she look so sad and
it looks like she is sick didn't you
notice that earlier
no that is when carly realized how
little attention
she paid to the world around her i must
be more helpful to my mother
and take care of her
i have one last room to show you this
where are we going now
i'm taking you to the tower of residence
stay with me this is a long way up
and so they went up the spiral staircase
that went on and on until they finally
the tower of resonance in the center of
this hollow tower
was nothing but a log lying on the floor
what what is this this is what you
brought me all the way up here for
to show me this piece of wood oh
no kylie wait
as she said that out of the log rose a
of an angel hello kylie
i am diana hello
tell me what do you see in this mirror
i see myself i look happy
and what about the now
that's the kid next door um
what's his name uh oh stuart
yes but he looks so
sad and alone and then now
no that's my mum she looks so
sad and sick
why is this happening to them what do i
these people would be absolutely fine
if you make time to appreciate them
your mother works hard to make sure you
have food to eat and clothes to wear
but every time that she has asked for
help you'll have ignored her
and obsessed over your looks
and what about stuart why is he sad
stuart doesn't know one to play with he
wants us to spend
time with you and play with you but he
never gets a chance
to i get it now i must not obsess
over my look so much i know now how much
i have
missed and that it is important to be
good to others and
kind very well then it seems
you understand the value of family and
the friends
saying that the tower was suddenly
filled with a storm of clouds
and suddenly carly found herself in her
oh my where am i oh
i'm back home the sun was shining bright
outside her window
the birds were chirping and the sweet
sound of the river flowing
could be heard in the distance oh
what a beautiful day it is perfect to go
out and play
just then she remembered that she had to
help her mother ah
tell me mother how can i help you today
huh it worked it really worked um
could you wash the dishes please
sure mother also i was thinking of going
out and playing with the neighbor
later today
absolutely go ahead and have fun my dear
and so carly grew up to be a kind and
helpful girl
she would help her mother with her daily
chores and take care of
the little birds and animals in the
garden she even started studying
and was soon topping all the subjects in
her class

