10.19 听力 67.In Summer Holidays

10.19 听力 67.In Summer Holidays


67.In Summer Holidays

I.Listen carefully and write "T" for True.and "F" for False

(   )1.Tom is a city boy.

(   )2.He spends the summer holidays with his parents in the country.

(   )3.Tom likes swimming,riding a bike and playing ball.

(   )4.Helen is a city girl,and she likes swimming and running.

II.Listen to the questions and choose the best answer:A,B,C  or D.

(   )1.A.  Bob.  B. Helen.

 C. A and B.    D. His parents.

(   )2.A. In the city.   B. In the country.

 C. In the school.D. In the park.

(   )3.A.In the river. B.In a big lake.

 C.In the school.D. In a swimming pool(池子).

(   )4.A. They are bad.   B.They are dull(枯燥).

 C.They are interesting.D.It is raining.

III.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks.

    Tom lives________acity.He spends the summer holidays with Bob in the country.Bob is his_________friend.

  Tom swims in a big ____________.He rides a bike. He plays ball.

    Helen lives in the country.She sees __________every day.In the afternoon she  swims with Tom and Bob She runs and plays in the country.

    Oh,the summer.holidays___________interesting.


 [ I. F T T T   II. B C A B  III. to bus people woman sit ]

