04 Dressing and make up衣着打扮

04 Dressing and make up衣着打扮

四. Dressing and makeup衣着打扮
1.Do you usually go out with makeup or without makeup?你平时喜欢化妆出门还是素颜出门? I usually go out without makeup, but sometimes I wear lipstick.我通常素颜出门,但有时会涂个口红。I usually go out with makeup, because it makes me feel more energetic and confident. 我通常化着妆出门,因为这让我感觉更精神更有自信。
2.Do you often wear sneakers or high heels?你经常穿运动鞋还是高跟鞋呢?I often wear sneakers or flat shoes, because they are comfortable.我经常穿运动鞋或平底鞋,因为它们很舒服。I wear high heels most of the time, because high heels make me more feminine. 我大多数时间穿高跟鞋,因为高跟鞋让我更有女人味。
3.What style of clothes do you like to wear? (For example: fashionable, casual, formal.)你喜欢穿哪类风格的衣服呢? (例如:时尚的,休闲的,正式的)I like to wear casual clothes, like T-shirt, jeans and sneakers.我喜欢穿休闲装,比如体恤衫,牛仔裤和运动鞋。
4.What do you think of men doing skin care and makeup?男士护肤化妆,你怎么看?I think it is good for men to take care of their skin. About makeup, I think it’s everyone’s freedom. 我觉得男士注意护肤很好。关于化妆,我想这是每个人的自由。
5.Do you think the thinner the better?你认为越瘦越好吗?No, I don’t think so, health is the most important thing. 不,我认为不是这样,健康是最重要的。
6.Will you follow the trend for microplastic surgery?你会跟风做微整形吗?No, I don’t like it, and I think doing microplastic surgery is risky.不,我不喜欢,而且我觉得做微整形是有风险的。
