09 - Candor

09 - Candor

  • 王二狗Mark

    Frankness, openness, sincere expression. Synonyms include straightforwardness, outspokenness, forthrightness, and ingenuousness. Candor is the noun; the adjective is candid, frank, open, sincere. The candid person expresses his or her thoughts frankly and openly, with no hesitation. The forthright person speaks directly to the point, plainly and sometimes bluntly, in a no-nonsense manner. The ingenuous (in-JEN-yoo-us) person speaks honestly and sincerely, with no hint of evasiveness or deception.

  • 光年觅诗

    Candor n. [SYNONYMS] straightforwardness, outspokenness forthrightness ingenuousness. adjective: Candid forthright ingenuous. [antonym] evasiveness deception.

  • 光年觅诗

    candor: 开诚布公 口直心快? forthright: 直截了当 ,直率? ingenuous 真诚

  • lynn_go

    candor n. 坦白;直率;公正;正直 ingenious心灵手巧的;机敏的 bluntly直截了当地 evasiveness逃避;躲闪 deception欺骗;诡计

  • 就Alice吧

    candid 直率的 直抒胸臆 有一说一 forthright直截了当 直奔主题ingenuious 真诚的 敞开心扉