06 - Ostensible

06 - Ostensible

  • qz9999


  • 王二狗Mark

    Apparent, appearing or seeming to be true, professed or declared as true without being demonstrated or proved. More difficult synonyms of ostensible include plausible (PLAW-zi-bul) and specious (SPEE-shus). Specious, however, has the negative suggestion of using deception to make something false appear true. A specious argument is one that looks good on the surface but is flawed underneath. Ostensible is often used in opposition to real or actual. An ostensible motive is not necessarily a real motive; an ostensible advantage is not necessarily an actual advantage.

  • 王二狗Mark

    Ostensible means apparent, stated as true but not necessarily proved.

  • lynn_go

    ostensible表面的;宣称的(看似或据说是真的但未验证) apparent显而易见的;表面上的;貌似的 plausible看似合理的;巧言令色的 specious似是而非的(贬义)