【6分钟】Will the rains change the flight

【6分钟】Will the rains change the flight


【6分钟客舱英语】 Will the rainstorm change the flight?

Mr.Yeah   天颂英语    微信号 : tiansongyingyu

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《Will the rainstorm change the flight?》

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute Cabin English. I am Jerry. There is a question at the beginning?What is the worst thing you may think when take a flight? I am pretty sure Delay will be the most answers. Being as the fastest and safest vehicle, airplane has that name for a reason. There is a mount evaluation to insure a safety flight even “just a rain”.There is a line in the film《Sully》“A delay is better than a disaster”. In this program we will see a situation about the rainstorm causes a diversion.


Well,There is a quiz question based on the dialogue.

Who will deal with the cancellation of the flight?

A. The caption

B. The flight attendant

C. The ground staff

Now,attention to the dialogue.


F: What can I do for you,sir?

P:I’ve heard the announcement about the hovering. My question is, will the rain change the flight?

F: It depends on whether the condition gets better. If so, we will land as schedule. If not, maybe the caption will choose a diversion.

P: And the diversion will be? May I ask.

F: I suppose it will be GuangZhou.

P: Well. Can I make a cancellation there?

F: That is possible,sir. We will have a ground staff onboard to deal with that.

P: Okay. Let us wish that will not be the plan.


If you would like to review the conversation, you may need the vocabulary.

Hover is to stay in the air in one place.



Schedule in the dialogue share the same meaning as timetable.



Diversion here means the alternative airport that is used when usual one can not be achieved.



Cancellation is the noun form of cancel.



If you are not quite sure about something,you can use‘It depends on sth’for more explanation.


 It depends on sth可以用来列举可能影响的事情 意为 “取决于”

Deal with means to handle something.

短语deal with表示处理,相当于单词handle。


I am not a fan of delay or even cancellation of a flight. I think nobody is. But try to think that is all for the flight safety. After all, safety is the only matters. Hope we all have a good flight. See you next time. Bye~

