英语美文:If you want to be great

英语美文:If you want to be great


If you want to be great if you want to be known as the highest achieving student in your class, if you want that, then you're going to be misunderstood by people, because you're going to be so driven and so focused and so disciplined. People are going to think you're crazy. 

When you're studying all morning and all day at college, and you go home and study some more, and study all night into the early hours, your classmates, they will never understand, they'll never understand why you do it, but you will, you get it, it's not just about the grades. Yeah getting good grades feels great, but it goes beyond that.

It's about what it represents, it's about what you represent, it's about becoming that person that whatever you touch, whatever you get involved with, it turns out phenomenal, and people want to study with you, and team up with you because they know you're the person that gets results. And to get to that point it's not going to happen fast, it takes a lot of patience, and a lot of time and a lot of stress and pain and suffering.



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