



I just turned 18, it was my senior high school. I never been a big student and absent minded and have ADD, which was being treated for that then surprisingly, though I had a lot of friends and I was really popular my school year started out with any other this time with the promise of politics and letters in the future those hopeful excited I want to do my very best you did my number in college.But things start to change and the second semester of my junior year I was diagnosed with depression that I noticed I had to push for I was taking this for it and thought it was making it better.Let's go on and fall and do you begin to change again and of the better by the time this person must have travelled around? I was not doing well like I rushed on the angry so things I didn't mean I thought I mumbled that to satisfy my life. I barely attended school the day. I was out of school  for our way the day I was in school. I couldn't go to bed. I just didn't see more of it but that was the worst of it.I used to love math class. Even if I feel all the rest. Of my classes. Math was the class. I knew I had to pass I pay attention I should detail notes which I should love me. Now however, I will understand things in class. I could easily grasp the concepts. When I got home, my brain had forgotten everything.
My notes were to bridge. The home is like Latin. I should give you an evening before. So when I started to.Can you apply my desk one day and that's what everything's all right.
I started to cry. No, everything was not all right. Mostly angry at everything. I didn't care about anything anymore. My mom would have to get me.
I couldn't remember things. I have learned earlier that day. I was very much not all right at the school. There didn't graduate.
I was mortified. Sure I had never been a great student. II also never failed
cut to the glare and see if my dad made me a new therapist saw this. I had 45 dot com to help me out telling her everything since I used to and I still do have a tendency to go off track. I remember at one point he made it off. He had to comment about I moved with a couple of that but brush it off. But at the end of my choice, I should move it down to look at me and say it, gave me my diagnosis but just order it to I was terrified my brother's daughter wasn't that something about criminal attack was he gonna lose it. In the taxman?
At home I was out of pharmacy to pick up my brand new medication and cry. As I look at my new label, I was pretty much a monster. The media I trusted to myself yeah as if it is in the checklist quick and severe images check generally yeah check high libido I guess as a look at the list the description I realized oh my god this is a highly treatable disorder.
And when they find the crepe decision at the medication, I had a chance to feel like everyone else.For the first time in my life, give me more sterilization shopping my very poor. Next morning. I haven't begun my new version of invitations. This was the first week of
the month. I didn't really see any changes into the last week when things got worse. Again, I had what I call paranoid hallucinations. I was actually seen anything, but in my
room every time I close my eyes in bed, I saw the shadow this leave him just said it was a giant black dog on shoulder eyes. Gluing a stick of yellow color when I was horrified.
But a little bit I didn't take care of the location anymore. I couldn't keep seeing the figure in the suddenly I was clear it was like I was seeing the world for the first time,
but I had been walking through a haze, my whole life. And now everything was brighter. It was beautiful. I had walked out the end of the tunnel to the most beautiful
world I had ever seen.
I don't agree with the teachers now for nearly seven years and after the first few months marriage is the creativity come back sure there are some side effects I know we're glasses because one of my men's and my muscles weak。But it's a small price to pay to myself。Again,I'm not traveling my own mind any more。Shall we want my handkerchief over?I'm not run away from the damage I caused crying and I graduated just a few months later than I should have after earning two A's in my online courses,life sure looks a lot better when your brain is on the same page you are.

