商务口语 | 餐桌上的礼仪

商务口语 | 餐桌上的礼仪



A: Betty, I will be having dinner with one of my American clients tomorrow night. But I don't know anything about their table manners. Can you tell me something about it?贝蒂,我明天晚上要和我的一个美国客人一起用餐了,但是我一点都不了解他们的餐桌礼仪,你能跟我说说吗?
B: Sure. First, take the napkin for example. You have to wait for the lady to put it on your laps. Napkins not only should be placed on the legs, but also should be folded into strips or triangles. If you want to go to the bathroom, just put the napkins on your chair. 可以啊,首先就拿餐厅来说,你再把他放在腿上前,要先等女士放好,餐巾不仅要摆在腿上,而且要将它折成长条形或者三角形。如果你想上厕所,只需要将餐巾放在椅子上就行。
A: What about the spoon?那关于汤匙呢?
B: After drinking the soup, you should not put the spoon in a bowl, but put it on the plate. In addition, you must never blow the soup with your mouth. If you want to put sugar in your coffee or milk tea, put the sugar in the spoon first and then put it in a cup instead of using your hand directly.喝完汤后,你不能将汤匙放在碗中,而应放在碟子上。另外,喝汤的时候绝对不能用嘴吹。如果你想在咖啡或者奶茶里放糖的话,不能直接用手,而是先把方糖放在汤匙中,然后再将其放入杯中。
A: OK. I know.哦,知道了。
B: It is also important that you do not use toothpicks after your meal. Otherwise, it will leave a bad impression on him. 还有一点很重要的是,在你用完餐后,千万不要使用牙签,否则会给他留下很不好的印象。
A: Alright. What should I pay attention to before dinner?好的,在用餐前,我需要注意什么?
B: You can't put your hands on the table, you should put them on your knees.你不能把手放在餐桌上,而应该将手放在膝盖上。
A: Understand, I'll remember it. 了解了,我会好好回忆一下的。

  • 桔子一瓣瓣

    求I see 和I know 的区别!

    老山_ri 回复 @桔子一瓣瓣: i konw 也可以表示,我知道了,但是对方不明白到底是他说了以后你才知道的还是他没说前你就知道。但是i see 就很明了了。

  • 豆馒

    有一句错了,You have to wait for the lady to put it on your laps.应该是You have to wait for the lady to put it on her laps. “her”

    紫汐流萤 回复 @豆馒: 哈哈,朋友你写反了。应该是Emily口误,把your读错为her。如果你是在餐馆就餐的顾客,服务生会需要给你上餐具和餐巾布,所以肯定是你而不是她,毕竟她是为你提供服务的嘛。

  • 抱抱葫芦宝宝


  • Sylvia08089


  • 小娜1234


  • 百合_4uu


  • 93t2afgrpwsgouf3pvra


  • 听友267943403


  • 老山_ri

    喝汤有点老外说要用eat soup,不能用drink,对吗?

  • 1780122vrqw
