Everyone was eagerly waiting for and anticipating this movie.万众瞩目
The ratings were low.评分很低
Had many criticisms.口碑很差
the live action version was based on the animated one基于动画版本的真人武打版本,但更像是成人电影(adult movie),因为这部电影:
does not have songs没有歌曲
has more fighting and action scenes有更多武打场景
The story of Mulan花木兰的故事
Pretends to be a boy 女扮男装
Goes to the war to fight in the place of her father 替父从军
故事激励人心:a story about courage and bravery(勇气) and sacrificing(牺牲) for the ones you love
美国人民的反应(response):very mixed看法不一
Positive comments(好评)
是好电影,love it a lot。
可以拍得更像迪士尼动画电影(animated Disney movie)。
有创新,没有repeat the original(原来的)movie。
吸引人(grabbing),并且,“全程无尿点”(扣人心弦,引人入胜people were on the “edge of their seats”)
Negative comments(差评):
没有准确(accurately)描绘(portray)the story or Chinese culture。
因为政治问题(political issues)而迁怒这部电影。
选的体裁(genre)有问题: 既不是kids movie, 也不是war movie。
The main criticisms(主要的差评):很无聊(boring),不能吸引人的注意力 (grab people’s attention)。
因为疫情,美国could not release(上映) it in movie theaters。
Selah和朋友在自己的专属movie theater——living room,看了这部电影,两人AA付电影票(split the price)。
Mulan got a 5.4/10 (5.4 out of 10)score on IMDb.
这部电影并没有赚到期望的票房(make as much money as they thought they would), 尤其还是 Disney movie。
Selah really enjoyed the movie. 非常喜欢这部电影。
did a good job at (在……做得好)telling the story, showing Chinese cultural values
family movie(适合家人一起看):因为没有intense romance(强烈的爱情)
made Selah laugh and proud of Chinese stories and history(为中国故事和历史感到骄傲)
did a good job at making it look and feel “Chinese”(看上去和感受起来很“中国”)
传递 Chinese traditional values(中国精神):bravery(勇气) and family honor(家族的荣耀)
the costumes: big dresses (大长裙)and 夸张的makeup(妆容)
the actresses Liu Yifei & Gong Li:did an excellent job and did not try to be too American or Western(演出了“中国化”的感觉)