Lesson 39(美音): Nothing to worry about 不必担心

Lesson 39(美音): Nothing to worry about 不必担心

  • 新概念英语

    What was the difference between Bruce's behaviour and that of other people? 👉🏻新概念英语1册(6天精讲入门)——0元开课,点击https://m.ximalaya.com/gatekeeper/xmkp-growth-marketing/consume/12049/wx

  • 虫儿虫儿飞吧


  • 奇云与你


  • 静夜灬听雨


  • 杭男

    Rip a hole 撕开口子 Petrol tank Plead Crack爆裂,缝隙 Come to a grinding halt

  • 胖妍_uz


  • 艾尔弗亚

    grinding(机器部件的摩擦声)持续而刺耳的 halt n.停 dashboard (汽车上的)仪表盘 not in the least 一点儿也不,完全不 give way to 让位给,转变给

  • 艾尔弗亚

    rough 崎岖不平的(=rugged) boulder 大石块 pit 使...变得坑坑洼洼 perturb 使不安(=worry) bump over 颠簸前行 swerve v.急转向 ominously 不祥地 rip 划破,撕 a stretch of 一大片 obstacle n.障碍 clumps of 一簇簇 fissure (石、地的)裂缝 renew v.重复 pleading n.恳求,请求 go into a low gear 换慢档 astride prep.跨在...上 zigzag n.之字形 charge at 向...冲去

  • 杭男

    rough 崎岖不平的(=rugged) boulder 大石块 pit 使...变得坑坑洼洼 perturb 使不安(=worry) bump over 颠簸前行 swerve v.急转向 ominously 不祥地 rip 划破,撕 a stretch of 一大片 obstacle n.障碍 clumps of 一簇簇 fissure (石、地的)裂缝 renew v.重复 pleading n.恳求,请求 go into a low gear 换慢档 astride prep.跨在...上 zigzag n.之字形 charge at 向...冲去 Scoop up 铲起 Hammer

  • 雪尔维赛娜