越南雅思口语考题:a child made you laugh

越南雅思口语考题:a child made you laugh


I’d like to talk about a hilarious story about my little nephew who isonly around 7 years old, which happened about 1 year ago.

Like mostkids, my nephew always wanted to have his own pet, like a dog or a cat. And likeany other parents, my cousin did not allow him to have one, because the kid istoo small to even look after himself, not to mention taking care of a pet. Thatmade my nephew crestfallen.

But inthe following days I noticed some abnormality about him. He was sneaking andmysterious. Sometimes he smirked at me for no reason, which bewildered me. But Idid not really take it serious, coz kids do often.

Then,one day, he sneaked up to me and said, “do you want to see my pet?”. That wasjaw-dropping, because I had never saw him with a pet or anything. So I saidyes.

Then hedashed off to his bedroom and came out with a jar, saying “this is my pet”.

I took alook, seeing nothing, so I asked, “where on earth is your pet.”

“there”,he painted at the jar.

I closedup, and saw a mosquito. That was his pet.

He explainedthat he had kept the mosquito in the jar for 3 weeks, and he let it stunghimself everyday. It made me roll in the aisles.

Later, Itold his folly to other adults in the family, and they all burst into laughter. 

  • 李媛_qw

    你好 请问where on earth 怎么翻译?

    彭百万雅思口语 回复 @李媛_qw: “到底”

  • 蒲大喵


  • 鹿眉瑜家的鱼

    为啥1 year ago 说一夜阿狗(音译) 不应该读万(one)吗

    彭百万雅思口语 回复 @鹿眉瑜家的鱼: 谁告诉你只能读one year ago不能读a year ago, 你就去问他,不要来问我

  • Yukina888


  • 听友78470996


  • 听友72298900
