1. Thanks for your kind introduction. Hello everyone, I'm Jane. 谢谢你的好心介绍,大家好我是简。
2. For more than two decades, I have watched teachers teach.在二十多年里,我一直看着老师们上课。
3. Some did a good job, others not so much.有的教的很好,有的不尽人意。
4. Nonetheless,those who strengthen student learning all have one thing in common.尽管如此,那些帮助学生强化学业的(老师)都有一个共同点。
5. They have an influence on their colleagues and students.他们在同事与学生中都有影响力。
6. I regard this influence as leadership.我把这种影响力看作领导能力。
7. Leadership is neither position nor pride.领导力既不是地位也不是尊严。
8. Leadership brings out the best in others.领导力激发别人做最好的自己。
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