This is us(我们这一天)♥ 精讲:谁还不是个小公举

This is us(我们这一天)♥ 精讲:谁还不是个小公举


one night, I was walking back to my hotel,

and... I came across this man...

a traveler.

He was wearing ragged clothes

and he had a strange way of talking.

And these three young jerks were bothering him.

They were trying to take away his bag of groceries.

And so... I chased the jerks off.

By yourself?

Yeah, by myself.

And I had a few...

vitamin drinks and... I chased them off.

It happened.

And the traveler was so grateful,

he wanted to repay me.

You know, he-he didn't have much,

so he reaches into his little satchel

and he pulls out this shirt.

He says to me that it's a magic T-shirt.

He said,

that when you wear it,

your enemies will see you exactly as

you want to be seen,

and only that way.

Whether it's a... a warrior,

or a princess.

Whatever you want.

- Does it work? - You tell me.

I was wearing this shirt the night I met your mom.

And she thought I was the handsomest man in the world.

- You? - Yeah, I know.


I'm gonna go with princess.

I want you to know...

that your daddy already sees you that way

without the shirt, okay? You don't need it.


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