跟着剑桥口语考官练习PET口语 Week 18 Part 1 Phase高频考点

跟着剑桥口语考官练习PET口语 Week 18 Part 1 Phase高频考点

Speaking practice: Test 1 Speaking Part 1 Phase 2 Week 18
1.What is your favorite subject at school?
I think history is my favorite subject. I really like it mainly because I enjoy finding out about what people did in the past.
art/drawing/painting/creative artwork
music/singing/all kinds of music
English/fun/learn about the outside world
2.How do you travel to school every day?
I usually go to school by bus where I can chat with my friends, although sometimes my mother drives me to school if she is not too busy.
Boarding school 寄宿学校
3.Tell us about your best friend.
My best friend is called Kitty who lives very near me. She likes doing sports and so do I, and we often play tennis together.
Have something in common在…有共同点
Friendly adj. 友好的
Polite adj. 有礼貌的
Helpful adj. 有帮助的
Support v. 支持
4.Do you watch a lot of television programmes?
I don’t have time to watch a lot of TV programmes, I prefer listening to music in my spare time. Sometimes I watch a TV programme if it is good.
5.Do you get a lot of homework?
I have a lot of homework during the week, although not so much on weekends, but I have to do lots of homework from all kinds of training classes.
  • 听友390854048


    Roman张延峰老师 回复 @听友390854048: 都是真题上的书哈 可以对应真题书看图就行