凯特·布兰切特 | 2020年威尼斯电影节开幕致辞

凯特·布兰切特 | 2020年威尼斯电影节开幕致辞


To be gathering here with you all tonight seems like some kind of wondrous miracle, and film itself can be miraculous. It's transforming reality and illuminating the way we perceive reality, healing personal and social wounds and great artistic vision brought to bear on the here and now.


We all know the infamous story of the first movie going audiences, cowering and running from the theater in terror, on seeing the Lumiere brothers oncoming train. And I think this story speaks to the awesome and strange power of the moving image.


And over the last few months, several months seems like years in our isolated bubbles, we've been sustained by streaming images, and stories into our living rooms. But I think there's been a vital component that's been missing and that's back here tonight. It's strangers gathering in the dark in anticipation of a collective experience, an event.


Now I don't know about you, but there's not a lot of genuine event in my living room. My daughter's sneakers being eaten by the dog perhaps. But cinema, it comes alive when it's an event, it's turbocharged, and in a miraculous way when it claims event.


Now bigger films, so called bigger films, they have an understandable or recognizable sense of an event, and they often monopolize or dominate our screens through, you know, marvelously inventive plot twists, or you know, computer generated wonderment.


But I think that film festivals can create an equally important sense of an event. They can scaffold and generate a space where film past can be in dialogue, not only with its present, but with its future. And established film artists can be in dialogue with emergent artists.


And in Venice, for instance, over the next two miraculous weeks, the main competition will be in dialogue with new horizons, film festivals forge not only new relationships and ideas, but they forge to new audiences.


But each iteration of a truly alive festival must be in response to its environs, so I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Alberto Barbera and the entire festival team, for making one such festival lineup and making it in exceptional circumstances.


I can only imagine how many Zoom calls you've had to endure. You've made this festival not only in response to our life and times, but in the thick of our life and times.


And as a result I think we have a lineup across all competitions and screenings and gatherings that give rise to and voice to certain voices that may not ordinarily have surfaced in a festival such as this.


And the way is uncertain, but one thing's for sure that tonight is a beginning. And I for one feel deeply privileged to be spending the next two weeks with the wonderful members fellow members of the my jury, and the members of other juries equally wonderful, and with filmmakers and perhaps most eventfully with audiences, reflecting back and looking forward. 


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  • ZedeJ


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