





Conversation One 
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 
1. A) She was impressed by it 
B) It was a waste of money. 
C) She was amazed it had opened so soon. 
D) She didn't like it as much as the other wings. 
2. A) He took a tour of the city. 
B) He read about it. 
C) He wrote an article about it. 
D) He worked there as a guide. 
3. A) They came from the original wring. 
B) They're made of the same material. 
C) They're similar in shape. 
D) They were designed by the same person. 
4. A) It was made of aluminum. 
B) It wasn't large enough. 
C) It wouldn't move in the wind. 
D) It was too heavy to put up. 
Conversation Two 
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 
5. A) Solving problems in a rational way. 
B Complaining about the semester being too long. 
C Complaining about a messy roommate. 
D Excitement because of the semester being almost over. 
6. A) a half month. 
B) 2 and a half months. 
C) 2 months. 
D) 3 months. 
7. A) Try to appreciate his roommate’s mess. 
B) Follow his roommate’s suit. 
C) Clean the room once a week with his roommate. 
D) Ask the dorm attendant to handle this problem. 
8. A) Move out and find another room. 
B) Talk to his roommate and continue living together. 
C) Ignore the mess in the room and study as usual. 
D) Buy some medicine in case of catching disease. 

Section B 
Passage One 
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard. 
9. A) Because young people can't remember the villages. 
B) Because the two World Wars destroyed many villages. 
C) Because there are no job opportunities in villages. 
D) Because it seems that village life is gone forever. 
10.A) They lived a simpler life than villagers today. 
B) They knew fewer people than villagers today. 
C) They found it difficult to enjoy themselves. 
D) They had nothing to do in the evenings. 
11.A) Girls left the village to find hope. 
B) Men left the village to seek opportunities. 
C) The long-established order of society. 
D) Fresh ideas brought by the two World Wars. 
Passage Two 
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard. 
12.A)Blur, GorillazandNorm. 
B)Gorillaz, BlurandQueen. 
C)TheGood, TheBadandTheGorillaz. 
D)TheGood, TheBadandTheQueen. 
13.A)They got success with the track Park Life. 
B)They were defeated by Oasis. 
C)They were the rough working class rockers. 
D)They ranked No.2 among the bands of the time.
14.A)A four-man band, wearing cartoon characters'custom. 
B)A virtual band,composed of fictional animated members. 
C)A cyber band, winning the Guinnes Music Reward. 
D)A teenager band, publishing their music on their web site. 
15.A)A documentary called ParkLife. 
B)A drama directed by Keith Edwards. 
C)A TV series called NorthWhale. 
D)A movie starred Clint Eastwood. 

Section C 
Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 16 to 19. 
16.A) He indulges himself with the failures he made. 
B) He keeps thinking how life could have been. 
C) He obtains a happy mind from the past memories. 
D) He lives in the past negative time zone. 
17.A) Destiny is in the control of ourselves. 
B) All events are predetermined by fate. 
C) Behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure. 
D) Simple life can lead to one’s spiritual improvement. 
18. A)At school. 
B)At birth. 
C)While eating and drinking. 
D) While watching a movie. 
19.A)They need to be in control of the way they learn. 
B)They play video games instead of doing school work. 
C)They are not as intelligent as girls. 
D) Their parents never interfere with their activities. 
Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 20 to 22. 
20.A) A great character in history. 
B) A theatrical role in a play. 
C) A special symbol in Novell. 
D) An imaginary person in a fiction. 
21.A) Open stores in busy areas of cities. 
B) Create special language. 
C) Provide a comfortable environment. 
D) Sell a variety of products. 
22.A) Because it expands rapidly its retail operations. 
B) Because it squeezes competitors out of the market. 
C) Because it applies machine to make the coffee. 
D) Because it imparts coffee knowledge and culture. 
Now listen to the following recording and answer questions 23 to 25. 
23. A) They never have them. 
B) They have them frequently. 
C) They have very few. 
D) They have them regularly. 
24. A) The one in Santa Barbara. 
B) The one in Los Angeles. 
C) The one in San Francisco. 
D) The one in Boston. 
25. A) They cannot be predicted. 
B) They are dangerous. 
C) They kill lots of people. 
D) They happen very often.

9-11DAD 12-15DABD 
16-19CBBA20-22DCC23-25D CA

Conversation One 
M: Hi! How was your trip? 
W: Wonderful I spent most of my time at the art museum. I especially liked the new wing. I was 
amazed to hear the guide explain the problems they had building it. 
M: Right. I just read an article that went on and on about the cost. 90 million in total, I think. 
W: Yeah. The guide mentioned that. You could see they spared no expense. 
M: Huh. It looked really unusual, at least from what I saw in the picture. 
W: It is. The basic design is two triangles. In fact there are triangles all over. The paving stones in 
the courtyard, the skylights and even a lot of the sculptures. One sculpture is a mobile. It's in 
the courtyard and it's made of pieces of aluminum that moves slowly in the air. It's really 
M: That was in the article too. It said that the original was steel and it weighed so much that it 
wasn't safe to hang. 
W: Right. They did it over in aluminum so it wouldn't come crashing down on someone's head. 
M: You know the article went into that in detail. There was even an interview with the sculptor. 
W: I'd like to read that. Would you mind if I borrow the magazine sometime? 
M: No. I wouldn't mind if I haven't thrown it out yet. 
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 
1. What did the woman think of the new wing of the museum? 
2. How had the man learned about the museum? 
3. According to the woman, what do the paving stones, skylights and mobile have in common? 
4. What was the problem with the original mobile? 
Conversation Two 
W: So how are things going with your roommate? 
M: Oh man, he’s still really irritating me. I can’t wait till the semester is over. 
W: But Bob, the semester won’t be over for two and a half months! You have to figure out how, 
you know, how to work this stuff out. Yeah, you have to talk to him. 
M: Yeah, but I don’t know what to say. I mean, I don’t want to hurt his feeling or offend him or 
anything. But, seriously, if he doesn’t get rid of those pizza boxes, I think I’m going to get 
W: See, this is why you have to talk to him. Because, you’re obviously frustrated.I mean, I don’t 
think it’s unreasonable for you not to want empty food containers lying around the room. I 
mean, they could attracted cockroaches. 
M: And it’s not just the pizza boxes, which, believe me, are bad enough! His socks are everywhere, 
his papers are all over my desk, and his tube of toothpaste is oozing and seeping all over our 
bathroom sink. He won’t even put a cap on it! I really think it’s unsanitary. I mean, I don’t 
want to get sick. 
W: Oh, man! That’s really disgusting. You could definitely get sick from that. It’s just so 
unhygienic. You just have to talk to him. Just be calm, and tell him that you don’t appreciate 
his mess. Oh! You could even suggest that two of you clean the room together once a week. If 
he has to clean up his own mess, maybe he won’t make one! 
M: Yeah, I suppose I could give that a try. I really appreciate the suggestions. I mean, I guess I 
really do have to figure something out because we’re not even halfway through the semester. 
W: Hey, don’t mention it. And if you need a pep talk or anything, you can always ask. I’m happy 
to be of assistance. 
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 
5. What is this conversation mostly about? 
6. How long is left for this semester? 
7. What does the woman suggest the man to do? 
8. What will the man do at the woman’s advice? 

Section B 
Passage One 
The young people who talk of the village as being "dead" are talking nothing but nonsense, 
as in their hearts they must surely know. The village is not dead. There is more life in it now than 
there ever was. But it seems that "village life" is dead. Gone for ever. It began to decline about a 
hundred years ago, when many girls left home to go into service in town many miles away, and 
men also left home in increasing numbers in search of work. There are still a number of people 
alive today who can remember what "village life" meant. It meant knowing and being known by 
everybody else in the village. It meant finding your entertainment in the village of within walking 
distance of it. It meant housewives tied to the home all day and every day. It meant going to bed 
early to save lamp oil and coal. 
Then came the First World War and the Second World War. After each war, new ideas, new 
attitudes, new trades and occupations were revealed to villagers. The long-established order of 
society was no longer taken for granted. Electricity and the motorcar were steadily operating to 
make "village life" and "town life" almost alike. Now with the highly developed science and 
technology and high-level social welfare for all, there is no point whatever in talking any longer 
about "village life". It is just life, and a better life. 
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard. 
9. Why do some young people say that the village is dead? 
10. How was the life of villagers in the past? 
11. In the speaker's view, what brought about the change of "village life" today? 
Passage Two 
Hello, I'm Callum Robertson and you're listening to the music show on FM106.5. In the 
program today as his latest project rides high in the UK album charts, we focus on Damon Albarn, 
the driving force behind such bands as Blur, Gorillaz, and now, The Good, The Bad and The 
Damon was born and brought up in London and while at college he started playing music 
with a group who were later to become Blur. Their first big commercial success was in 1994 with 
this track, Park Life. Damon became one of the musicians most associated with the mid-nineties 
music scene known as Brit Pop. Brit Pop was the revival of guitar-based rock pop, and for a few 
years there was fierce competition between Blur and fellow Brit Pop act Oasis. Oasis were the 
rough working class rockers and Blur were seen as the intelligent art school band. The battle of the 
Brit Pop bands was on and the number one spot was taken by Blur. 
Damon's next commercial venture was the Gorillaz. The band members were represented by 
four cartoon characters who all had their own distinctive characters and life stories which can be 
found on their website. Their first album 2001'sGorillaz, sold over 6 million copies and earned 
them an entry in the Guinnes Book of Records as the Most Successful Virtual Band. 
In 2006 Damon formed his current band, a name very similar to the title of a film, The Good, 
the Bad and The Ugly which starred Clint Eastwood, a famous actor and director. The band 
released their first single in October last year. 
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard. 
12. What is the name of Damon's band now? 
13. What do we learn about Blur according to the speaker? 
14. WhatischaracteristicofGorillaz? 
15. What probably inspired Damon to give the name to his current band? 

Section C 
Recording 1
Today, I’m going to be talking about time. Specifically I’ll be looking at how people think 
about time, and how these time perspectives structure our lives. According to social psychologists, 
there are six ways of thinking about time, which are called personal time zones. 
The first two are based in the past. Past positive thinkers spend most of their time in a state of 
nostalgia, fondly remembering moments such as birthdays, marriages and important achievements 
in their life. These are the kinds of people who keep many family records, books and photo 
albums. People living in the past negative time zone are also absorbed by earlier times, but they 
focus on all the bad things – regrets, failures, poor decisions. They spend a lot of time thinking 
about how life could have been. 
Then, we have people who live in the present. Present hedonists are driven by pleasure and 
immediate sensation. Their life motto is to have a good time and avoid pain. Present fatalists live 
in the moment too, but they believe this moment is the product of circumstances entirely beyond 
their control; it’s their fate. Whether it’s poverty, religion or society itself, something stops these 
people from believing they can play a role in changing their outcomes in life. Life simply “is” and 
that’s that. 
Looking at the future time zone, we can see that people classified as future active are the 
planners and go-getters. They work rather than play and resist temptation. Decisions are made 
based on potential consequences, not on the experience itself. A second future-orientated 
perspective, future fatalistic, is driven by the certainty of life after deathand some kind of a 
judgement day when they will be assessed on how virtuously they have lived and what success 
they have had in their lives. 
Okay, let’s move on. You might ask “how do these time zones affect our lives?” Well, let’s 
start at the beginning. Everyone is brought into this world as a present hedonist. No exceptions. 
Our initial needs and demands – to be warm, secure, fed and watered – all stem from the present 
moment. But things change when we enter formal education – we’re taught to stop existing in the 
moment and to begin thinking about future outcomes. 
But, did you know that every nine seconds a child in the USA drops out of school? For boys, 
the rate is much higher than for girls. We could easily say “Ah, well, boys just aren’t as bright as 
girls” but the evidence doesn’t support this. A recent study states that boys in America, by the age 
of twenty one, have spent 10,000 hours playing video games. The research suggests that they’ll 
never fit in the traditional classroom because these boys require a situation where they have the 
ability to manage their own learning environment. 
16. What is the characteristic of a past positive thinker? 
17. What do the fatalists believe in? 
18. When do all of us become present pleasure-seekers? 
19. Why do American boys drop out of school at a higher rate than girls? 
Recording 2
If you are in any major city in America, the chances are high that you are not far from a 
Starbucks. In fact, you might be very close to several of these coffee stores. The company started 
in the West Coast city of Seattle, Washington, in nineteen seventy-one. Starbucks was named after 
a character in the famous American novel "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville. Today, there are 
more than twelve thousand Starbucks around the world. 
Sales last year were almost eight billion dollars. The company believes in opening many 
stores in busy areas of cities. For example, there are about thirty Starbucks stores in downtown 
Seattle. Recently, three Starbucks opened in the area near VOA headquarters in Washington, D.C. 
Starbucks sells more than just plain coffee. It started a whole coffee culture with its own 
special language and coffee workers called baristas. It sells many kinds of hot and cold coffee 
drinks, like White Chocolate Mocha and Frappuccino. It also sells music albums, coffee makers, 
food, and even books. But most of all, it sells the idea of being a warm and friendly place for 
people to sit, read or talk. 
Starbucks is a great success story. Buyers are willing to pay as much as five dollars for a 
coffee drink. People we talked to said they go to Starbucks because they can depend on it to have 
exactly what they want and to be nearby. 
However, some people do not like the company's aggressive expansion. Owners of 
independent coffee stores cannot compete with Starbucks. One small coffee seller is taking the 
company to court. She says the way the company does business is illegal because it stops property 
owners from leasing stores to other coffee companies. She sees Starbucks as controlling the 
market and forcing out competition. 
Nicolas O'Connell works for La Colombe, a coffee roasting company based in Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania. He says Starbucks has helped to educate people about coffee from many countries. 
But he criticizes the company for using machines more than people to make the coffee. Mister 
O'Connell points out that the coffee culture is all about a handmade product and interaction 
between people. 
20. Where did Starbucks, the store name, come from? 
21. What is Starbucks' most extraordinary character? 
22. Why does Mr. O'Connell not like Starbucks? 

Recording 3 
Earthquakes are something that most people fear. There are some places that have few or no 
earthquakes. Most places in the world, however, have them regularly. Some places, like Iran and 
Guatemala, have them frequently. Countries that have a lot of earthquakes are usually quite 
The most talked-about earthquake in the United States was in San Francisco in 1906. Over 
500 people died in it. The strongest one in North America was in 1964. It happened in Alaska. 
Strong earthquakes are not always the ones that kill the most people. In 1755 one of the 
strongest earthquakes ever recorded was felt in Portugal. Around 20,000 people died. In 1923 a 
very powerful earthquake hit the Tokyo-Yokohama area of Japan. 140,000 people died. Most of 
them died in fires which followed the earthquake. 
One of the worst earthquakes ever reported was in China in 1976. It killed over 655,000 
people. The worst earthquake ever reported was also in China. 830,000 people were killed in this 
earthquake which happened in 1556. 
Earthquakes are not the only acts of nature which people fear. Floods and tidal waves also 
cause people to be afraid. So do bad storms like typhoons and cyclones. Sometimes these things 
cause lots of deaths. In 1970 a cyclone and tidal wave killed over 200.000 in Pakistan. 
These kinds of things make people afraid and they are very dangerous. But they probably do 
not worry people as much as earthquakes, especially in these modern times. The reason is that we 
often know they are coming, we have some warning. Someday we may be able to know an 
earthquake is coming. So far, however, no sure way is known to predict an earthquake precisely. 
23. How often do most places have earthquakes? 
24. Which earthquake is the most talked about in the United States? 
25. Why do earthquakes worry people so much? 

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