【英文版 03】Determining Your Dominant Risk

【英文版 03】Determining Your Dominant Risk


Some creative ideas fail because creatorsmisunderstand the dominant risk of their product. In the last session, wetalked about the first pitfall for innovators: underestimating the three kindsof creative brilliance.


So, you're probably asking yourself right now,"What if I want to be a creative and have an idea? How can I know if itmight be a big idea appropriate for its time? And how can I make sure I getenough producer skills that I stay competitive when competition arrives?"


The second way we'll break down the problem ofgreat ideas and teams failing into a smaller problem is this: many creatorsfail to prioritize the dominant risk of their product. You can't predict thesuccess of an idea, but researchers and investors have sophisticated ways ofassessing the risks of an idea. A simplified way to think about this is tothink about two types of risk: market risk and technology risk.


An idea with significant technical risk meansthat it's not certain whether the technology needed for that innovation exists.Market risk simply means that you're not sure if there are enough people whowant to use your product for it to succeed as a business.


Your idea may have both technical and marketrisk, but usually one type dominates. Today, the basic technology buildingblocks for most products are available for little to no cost. This haseffectively reduced the technical risks for many founders, which is great. Butthat also means that market risk has grown relatively greater than technologyrisk and requires more of our attention.


Webvan pioneered the grocery delivery market.Webvan was the brainchild of an already very successful entrepreneur, BordersBooks co-founder Lewis Borders. If you weren't there at the time, Bordersbookstores were ubiquitous in American cities. But Lewis Borders saw Amazon,which Jeff Bezos founded in 1994, coming to compete with his bookstorebusiness. And he decided to switch gears to a new idea.

现在,我要给大家讲一个故事,这个故事是关于历史上第一次尝试生鲜配送业务的网站,Webvan的。Webvan是由路易斯·博德斯(Lewis Borders)创建的,在这之前,他已经创立了博德斯连锁书店(Borders Books),并且大获成功。如果你觉得这个名字听上去有些陌生的话,你可能不知道,在当时的美国,这个书店在每一个城市都随处可见。但在1994年,在杰夫·贝索斯(Jeff Bezos)创立了亚马逊(Amazon)之后,博德斯的书店业务开始面临来自亚马逊的竞争,因此,他决定将业务重心转向另一个方向。

In 1999, Lewis Borders launched Webvan. Itlooked promising. Webvan quickly raised nearly 800 million U.S. dollars infunding and then another 375 million from its IPO within months of launching.  Webvan was on an exciting trajectory. WhenWebvan started out, they spent tons of time, lots of energy and many resourceson developing novel technologies. They built robotic conveyor belts andcarousels, they built integrated shipping docks, inventory managementalgorithms and state of the art delivery management algorithms.


They made the bet that new technology wouldlead to a better product and more success. They weren't wrong, but it wasAmazon and Wal-Mart who would learn from their experience and later build thesetechnologies. What Webvan didn't understand early on is that their dominantrisk was not a technology risk. It was a market risk. Customers weren't yetused to buying things online, and no one had yet proven that customers wantedto buy fresh items like groceries online. Webvan didn’t totally ignore theissue of market risk, but they didn't do a good job of assessing it. Instead,they used a mass market strategy that advertised the quality and selection ofWhole Foods, the pricing of Safeway and the convenience of home delivery. Thatis to say, Webvan went after three markets at the same time. The high-endmarket, the price sensitive market and the convenience market. Their strategyended up being too broad, which made it difficult to attract a loyal audiencein any of these three markets. Webvan filed for bankruptcy just two years afterit launched, and its founders’ failure to recognize their market risk was amajor contributing factor.


For most innovators, it's more important toassess market risk than technology risk. So this podcast won't spend a lot oftime discussing technology risk. Instead, I'll focus on teaching you how toassess and reduce your market risk.



