8月19日早间英文播报:Xi urges youth to make new contributions

8月19日早间英文播报:Xi urges youth to make new contributions


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Part of the class of 2020 students atPeking University attended a graduation ceremony on campus. Most of theuniversity graduates watched the graduation ceremony online due to the COVID-19pandemic. [Photo/Xinhua]

Message delivered to meetings of twomass organizations opening in Beijing

President Xi Jinping encouraged China'syouth on Monday to have firm ideals, hone their skills and make new and greatercontributions as the country is nearing its goal of building a moderatelyprosperous society in all respects and embarking on a journey to achieve thegoal of building China into a modern socialist country.

Xi, who is also general secretary of theCommunist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central MilitaryCommission, made the remark in a congratulatory letter to a session of theAll-China Youth Federation and the congress of the All-China Students'Federation. The combined meetings opened in Beijing on Monday.

About 3,000 members and representativesattended the opening meetings either in Beijing or via teleconference at venuesacross the country. During the two days, they are reviewing the work reports ofthe ACYF and ACSF over the past five years and plans for the next five,revising charters and electing new leadership for the two organizations.

The two organizations are part of the massorganizations guided by the CPC that represent people from different sectors ofsociety.

On behalf of the CPC Central Committee, Xiextended congratulations on the meetings' opening, and sincere greetings tostudents and young people of all ethnic groups and all walks of life in China,as well as overseas Chinese youth.

Xi said that with the concerted efforts ofthe entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the nation, China isabout to secure a victory in completing the first centenary goal-building amoderately prosperous society in all respects by the time the CPC celebratesits centenary in 2021. He said the nation is embarking on a new journey toachieve the second centenary goal-building China into a modern socialistcountry that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced andharmonious by the time the People's Republic of China celebrates its centenaryin 2049.

The president called on Chinese youth tohave firm ideals and convictions, cultivate a noble character, hone theirskills, be innovative and creative and work hard in the new era.

Xi said the work of the ACYF and ACSF is anintegral part of the Party's youth work. Party authorities and governments atall levels should strengthen leadership over youth work, support the work ofthe two organizations and create a favorable environment for young people toenhance and apply their talents.

The president urged the youth organizationsto deepen reforms and produce innovations. They should work to mobilize youngpeople to firmly follow the Party and forge ahead in the new era.

Leaders attending the opening sessionincluded Wang Huning, a member of the Standing Committee of the PoliticalBureau of the CPC Central Committee; Chen Xi, head of the OrganizationDepartment of the CPC Central Committee, and Vice-Premier Sun Chunlan.

While addressing the meetings on behalf ofthe CPC Central Committee, Sun praised young people's role in combatingCOVID-19 earlier this year, adding that young Chinese have proved with theiractions that they are qualified for the tasks ahead.

Sun said millions of members of theCommunist Youth League of China have become involved in controlling the virusin communities, treating patients and making essential medical supplies.Another 1.7 million young Chinese offered their services voluntarily during thenovel coronavirus outbreak.

They organized blood donations andfundraising and won the praise of the Party and people.

Sun said that today's young people are inthe best period of the development of the Chinese nation, and are the new forcefor realizing the nation's great rejuvenation.

She explained that they have been presentedwith rare opportunities to make contributions and achievements and toaccomplish the great missions of the time.

Zhou Song, a new ACYF member who heads thediscipline inspection commission at China National Biotec Group, which isleading the nation's COVID-19 vaccine development efforts, said more than 44percent of the staff at the State-owned conglomerate are younger than 35.

Zhou said the young professionals are thevery people who made China a leader in vaccine development.

"Currently, our branch in Wuhan, Hubeiprovince, has made the world's first inactivated vaccine, and our branch inBeijing owns the world's largest manufacturing facilities," he said.

Zhou said there is still room for youthorganizations to produce improvements in educating the young about combiningpersonal pursuits with national development.

As a member of the ACYF, he said he willperform his role in uniting more young people around him to shoulderresponsibilities bestowed by the times.

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  • 听友209874918

    原文的单词有错误啊,好几个词都连在一起了 100多万的关注,应该严谨一些吧 加上汉语原文更好了

    云边的鲤儿 回复 @听友209874918: 我用的有道自己翻译的

  • 沐无亭

    打卡 √

    沐无亭 回复 @听友146711794: 没有啦,谢谢(╯▽╰)

  • 是李六六啊


  • 我爱方东九


    听友188210380 回复 @我爱方东九: 这不快啦,只不过是生词太多而已

  • 不知火_super

    打卡 第一次听 感觉断句有点奇怪



  • L_ipg


  • 小栗子九

  • 库里和春春小宝贝


  • 某某班的小希
