Unit 1 Task 8

Unit 1 Task 8


The School was opened in 1955 and is part of a non-profit-making educational foundation. 
Its 200 students, from 30-40 countries, work in large, attractive buildings set in extensive, 
beautiful gardens, within easy reach of the centre of Cambridge, The School has dining rooms, a 
library, video filming studio, language laboratories, listening and self-access study centres, 
computers, as well as facilities for tennis, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton and 
General English classes are for students aged 17+. Complete beginners are not accepted. 
Students have classes for 21 hours a week. Other subjects available within the General English 
timetable include English for Business and English Literature. The cost of tuition, materials and 
books per term is £1,130. Accommodation is with local families. Lunch is provided in the 
School Monday to Friday. All other meals are taken with the family. There is a full range of social 
activities including excursions, discos and theatre-visits. The total cost of all non-tuition services 
is £670 per term. There are 3 terms of 10 weeks and summer courses of 9 weeks and 3 1/2 

