



3971. mend/ mend/ v.修理;修补;缝补【Could you mend this hole in my shirt? 你能把我衬衫上的这个洞补一下吗?】

3972. courage/ ‘kΛridʒ/ n.勇气,胆量;勇敢【People should have the courage to stand up for their beliefs. 人们应该有勇气坚持自己的信仰。】

3973. courageous/kəˈreɪ.dʒəs/ adj.勇敢的,有胆量的,有勇气的【It was courageous of her to challenge the managing director's decision. 她真有勇气,敢于反对总经理的决定。】

3974. breath/ breθ/ n.呼吸的空气,气息【She was dizzy and short of breath (= unable to breathe in enough air). 她头昏眼花,上气不接下气。】;

3975. breathe/ bri:ð/ v.呼吸【It's so airless in here - I can hardly breathe. 这里太闷了——我几乎不能呼吸。】;低声说(to say something very quietly)【"Here they come," he breathed. “他们来了,”他低声说。】;

3976. report/ ri’pɔ:t/ v.报道;报告;汇报【I want you to report (to me) on progress (= on what you have done) every Friday. 我希望你每周五(向我)汇报进展情况。】;举报;告发【His ex-wife reported him to police a few days later. 他的前妻几天后向警方告发了他。】;报到【I report for (=am ready for and at) work/duty at 8 a.m. every morning. 我每天上午8点报到上班。】;n.(学生)成绩报告单;报道;报告;记述【a news report 新闻报道 / a company's annual report 公司年度报告】;传闻,传说【According to reports, ten pupils were expelled. 有传闻说,10名学生被开除了。】;<相关记忆 No.102 reporter>

3977. stale/ steil/ adj.(通常指因久放)不新鲜的,(空气)污浊的,难闻的;【The cake had gone stale. 蛋糕已经不新鲜了。/ The morning after the party, their apartment smelled of stale cigarette smoke. 聚会后的次日早上,他们的公寓里有一股污浊的烟味儿。】;过时的,老套的,没有新意的【stale jokes 老掉牙的笑话 / stale news 过时的新闻】;陈腐的;

3978. limb/ lim/ n.肢体;树枝,树杈【an artificial limb 假肢】

3979. parcel/ ‘pa:sl/ n.包裹,小包,邮包(美式常用 package)

3980. lift/ lift/ v.举起,提起,抬起,吊起【Could you help me lift this table, please? 你能帮我抬一下桌子吗?】;提起;抱起;移开【She lifted the baby out of her chair. 她把婴儿从椅子上抱起来。】;使更有趣;增加…的趣味性;(雾气)散去,散开,消散【The morning mist had lifted and the sun was starting to come through. 晨雾已经散去,太阳开始放出光芒。】;解除,取消,撤销(规定或法律)【At last they've lifted the ban on jeans at the club. 最终他们取消了在俱乐部禁止穿牛仔裤的规定。】;n.电梯;升降机(客用直梯一般用lift 或者 elevator,扶梯是escalator);举,提,抬,吊;搭便车【I'll give you a lift to the train station if you like. 如果你愿意,我可以把你捎到车站。】;

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