

In my field, I see these people that... 在我这行里,我见到很多人... 
Oh, sorry...come into it with big idealist visions of becoming the new leader that will create a better world. 哦,对不起...怀揣巨大的理想主义愿望入行,想要成为新的领袖,创建更美好的世界。
They enjoy the goal, but not the process. 他们乐于见到目标被实现,却对过程没兴趣。
Right. 是啊。
But the reality of it is that the true work of improving things is in the little achievements of the day. 但事实上真正能改善世界的工作,就在日复一日的点滴进步中。
And that's what you need to enjoy, just take my field. 这才是应该享受的事,对于我这行而言。
What do you mean, exactly? 你具体指什么呢?
Well, for example, I was working for this organization that helped villages in Mexico. 比如,我之前曾为一个组织工作,这个组织在墨西哥帮助那里的村民。
And their concerns was how to get the pencils sent to the kid in those little country schools. 他们关心的是怎么把铅笔送到那些乡村小学校的孩子手中。
It was not about big, revolutionary ideas.  那不是什么重大的革命性的想法。
It was about pencils. 仅仅是铅笔而已。
I see the people that do the real work, and what's really sad is that... 我见到过那些做实事的人,很遗憾是...
The people that are the most giving, hardworking and capable of making this world better, usually don't have the ego and ambition to be a leader. 那些最慷慨的,最勤劳的,也是最能让这个世界变得更好的人,往往没什么野心,不想成为什么领袖。
They don't see any interest in superficial rewards.  他们对那些形式上的奖励没有任何兴趣。
They don't care if their name ever appear in the press. 他们也不在乎自己的名字能不能上报纸。
They actually enjoy the process of helping others.  他们真是享受帮助人的那种过程。
They're in the moment. 他们活在当下。
Yeah, but that's so hard!  是啊,不过那很难啊!
You know, to be in the moment.  活在当下。
I mean, I just feel like I'm...designed to be slightly dissatisfied with everything. 我是说,我感觉我好像...是被设计成那种对什么都有点不满类型。
You know?  你懂吗,
I mean, it's like always trying to better my situation. 我是说,好像永远都在试图改善自己的现状一样。
You know, I satisfy one desire, and it just agitates another, you know?  我满足了一种欲望,就会刺激另一种欲望,懂吗?
And then I think, to hell with it, right?  然后我就想:去他妈的吧,对吗?
I mean, desire's the fuel of life. 欲望是生活的动力。
You know?  你认为这是真的吗?
Do you think it's true that if we never wanted anything, we'd never be unhappy?  如果我们没有欲望,我们就会永远快乐?
I don't know.  我不知道,
Not wanting anything, isn't that a symptom of depression? 没有欲望,这难道不是抑郁症的一种表现吗?
Yeah, that is, right?  没错,就是的,对吧?
I mean, it's healthy to desire, right? Yeah. 我是说,有欲望是健康的表现,对吧?是啊。
Yeah. I don't know.  是啊,我不知道。
I mean, it's what all those Buddhist guys say, right? 不过那些佛教徒都那么说,对吧?
You know, liberate yourself from desire, and you'll find you already have everything you need. 从欲望中解脱出来,你就会发现你已经拥有你需要的一切。
Yeah, but I feel really alive when I want something more than basic survival needs. 是啊,不过当我想要拥有高于基本生存需要的东西时,我能感觉到自己是真实存活的。
I mean, wanting whether it's...intimacy with another person, or a new pair of shoes, is kind of beautiful. 我是说,不管哪种欲望...比如想和谁亲热,或是想要双新鞋,这些欲望都很美。
I like that we have those ever renewing desires, you know? 我喜欢我们拥有永不满足的欲望,你懂吗?
Yeah, well, maybe it's this sense of entitlement. 我明白,也许那是一种有权享用的感觉。
You know, like whenever you feel like you deserve that new pair of shoes, you know. 你懂吗,好像什么时候你觉得你配穿双新鞋。
It's okay to want things, as long as you aren't pissed off if you don't get them. 欲望是个好东西,只要你没得到时不要太在意。
Yeah, yeah? Right. 没错,对吧?对。
Life's hard. 生活很辛苦,
It's supposed to be.  这也是很正常的事。
If we didn't suffer, we wouldn't learn a thing, you know? 不吃一堑,难长一智,对吗?

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