






Part Two Listening

Section A 

Short Conversations

W: Hello, Mr. Harrison, thanks for calling,now, when will it be good foryou to visit our company?
M: Well, in fact, I can come almost anytime next month and probably toward the end of the week will be best for me.
Q: What are the speakers talking about?
 A) The agenda for the board ofdirectors’ meeting.
B) The details of the meeting to be heldnext week.
C) The reason for the man’s absence fromthe meeting.
D) The timefor the man’s visit to the woman’s company.

W: Can you help me find a book on South America?
M: What specifically would you like to knowof that? We catalogue ourbooks in many different ways.
Q: Where does the conversation mostprobably take place?
 A) At s travel agency.
B) At a department store.
C) In a library.
D) In a post office.

M: I’m trying to make a call to New York and haven’t beenable to get through, can you help me?
W: Sure, try my phone.
Q: What is the man’s problem?
 A) He cannot hear the woman’s call.
B) He cannot get throughto New York.
C) He cannot recall the phone number.
D) He cannot find a public phone nearby. 


M: I have to go to Professor Hudson’ office to discussmy thesis, if time allows, I’d like to go to the movies with you when Icome back.
W: I don’t think I can make it and goingshopping with Jane right now.
Q: What is the man going to do first?
 A) Watch a movie with the woman.
B) Revise his thesis in the office.
C) Do some shopping with Jane.
D) Discuss his thesiswith Prof. Hudson.


W: Why are so upset and worried?
M: I have been racking my brains allmorning, trying to recallwhere I put my gold watch? But it has been in vain.
Q: What do we learn about the man?
 A) He just cannot work properly withouta watch.
B) He has no idea where he can buy a goldwatch.
C) He still does not knowwhere he left his watch.
D) He is not sure what went wrong with hiswatch.


W: I thought you said you are going toColly last week about the car selling.
M: Oh, I’m sorry, it completely slipped my mind.
Q: What does the man mean?
 A) He forgot allabout what he said.
B) He slipped and hurt his head.
C) He was sorry for being off sick lastweek.
D) He thought the woman’s car had beensold.


W: I try to catch the bus but couldn’tmake it, so I’m late for class.
M: Enough excuse. Are you ready for what you’ll say tomorrow?
Q: What does the man imply about the woman?
 A) She should try to catch an earlierbus.
B) She is absent from his class too often.
C) She is always makingexcuses for being late.
D) She should come up with a better excuse.


M: The Apartment Building I live in is going to be torn downbefore the end of this month. I don’t know what to do.
W: Well, my brother is a real estate agent.He can now pick us think.
Q: What do we learn about the man?
 A) He is going to help the woman out.
B) He has to move out ofthe building soon.
C) He is on his way to see a real estateagent.
D) He will stay with the woman’s brother.

Long Conversation 1
M-Athena Employment Agency. Good morning!
W-Good morning! I wonder if you can helpme. I am looking for a job.
M-I will see what we can do. Aha, have youbeen to us before?
W- No, but you have managed to get jobs for some of my friends.(——第9题答案:A)Fromsome of her friends. )So I thought perhaps you know.
M-Yes, I see. First of all, could you giveme your full name?
W- Yes, of course. Susan Horace.
M-Good. Could I have your phone number?
W-Yes, double seven double eight doublenine two (7788992)
M-Fine, and your date of birth please?
W-February 3rd, 1980.
M-Thank you! Now, education, which schooldid you go to?
W- I went to a Secondary school in south town.——(第10题答案:A)She finished her secondary school.)
M-And have you been to college?
W- No, I left full-time education when Iwas 18.
M-I see, any qualifications?
W- Yes, I gained a shorthand and typing diplomaat evening classes.
M-That’s good! Now where are you working atthe moment?
W-Well, I got a job as a shorthand typist,——(第11题答案:D)She is a shorthand-typist.) but I am not enjoying it very much and it doesn’t pay very well.
M-I see. Have you applied for any otherjobs?
W- Yes, I thought I’d like to be a saleswoman but they turned me down because I was too short.
M-What would you like to do now then?
W-Well, I think I would like to work in atravel agency.
M- I see, I think the best thing is for meto see what we may find for you. And then……
9. How did the woman get to know about theman’s company?

 A) From some of herfriends.
B) From the wanted column.
C) From a telephone directory.
D) From a television commercial. 

10. What formal education did the womanreceive?

 A) She finished her secondary school.

B) She studied in a vocational college.
C) She graduated from an open university.
D) She received full-time education abroad.

11. What do we learn about the woman’soccupation?

A) She teaches an evening class.
B) She works as a tour guide.
C) She is a policewoman.
D) She is ashorthand-typist.

Long Conversation 2
W– Steve, can you tell me how long have youbeen a pub owner?
M-Well, four years I suppose. I got involved with pubs off and onfor ten years. (——第12题答案:B)It has been off and on for ten years.)I have sort of done hotelwork. And I also ran a restaurant pub and now I have got what you have calledan old fashioned pub. That isa public bar with all the social games going with it,——(第13题答案:C)Social games.)which is what we have always wanted tohave, you know. 
W-It sounds like you have always worked inpubs but not always in this one.
M-No, no, I work in quite variety of pubs.
W-What makes a good pub? I mean you said,you know, it has got a good variety of things.
M-Well, I think having rightcustomers to start with, selling the right beer, keeping in good and most of all keeping a good attitudeto yourself(——第14题答案: B)Theowner’s attitude.)
even though you probably feel tired, but the idea is if you generate from you side, it got to effect theother side if you are getting the right customers in. 
W-Yes, I must say that is one thing thatalways strike me about being a pub owner, I mean a lot of people think that isa nice job, you know. Everybody says “oh, I would love to retire and get acountry pub” but it seems tome that is actually a very hard work.(——第15题答案: D)It is arather tough job.)
12. What does the man say about hisinvolvement with pubs?
 A) It was interrupted for four years.
B) It hasbeen off and on for ten years.
C) It helps enlarge his customer network.
D) It provides him with careeropportunities.

13. What characterizes the old fashionedpub according to the man?
 A) Traditional setting.
B) Individualized service.
C) Socialgames.
D) Home-made beer.

14.What does the man say is the mostimportant in making a good pub?
 A) The quality of beer.
B) The owner’sattitude.
C) The atmosphere.
D) The right location.

15.What does the woman think of running acountry pub?
A) It makes retirees feel useful.
B) It helps old people kill time.
C) It is a profitable business.
D) It is arather tough job.

Section B
Passage One
It can bring about a physical,emotional or mental change in people. Alcohol and tobacco are drugs. Asubstance found in coffee and some soft drinks is also a drug. (16) Drug abuse is the use ofthe drug legal or illegal that hurts the person or someone close to him.A drug user is the person who takes the drug. There are many kinds of drugusers. Experimental users may try drugs once or twice. They want to see whatthe effects would be. (17)Recreational users take drugs to get high. They use drugs with friendsor at parties to get into the mood of things. Regular users take drugs all thetime. But they are often able to keep up with the normal routine of work.Dependent users can believe anything but drugs. Their whole life centers arounddrugs. They feel extreme mental or physical pain without drugs. It’s not alwayseasy to tell if someone is using drugs. In the earlier stages, drug use isoften hard to see. Sometimes people like drugs or need drugs so much they can’tdo without them. They are dependent upon drugs. (18) Only a few kinds of drugs can cause physicaldependents, but almost any drug one is misused can make a person think you needit all the time. By this time, it’s too late on the person is hawked.
Questions 16 to 18 are based onthe passage you have just heard.
Q16 What does the speaker say aboutthe drug abuse?

A) It helps the user to escape reality.
B) It is becoming increasingly popular.
C) It hurts a person andthose around them.
D) It gives rise to serious socialinstability.

Q17 What does the speaker say aboutrecreational drug users?

A) They takedrugs to get high.
B) They use drugs just for fun.
C) They use drugs as medicine.
D) They keep drug use a secret

Q18 What does the speaker say aboutdrug dependents?
A) It isfatal to the user.
B) It is hard to get ridof.
C) It is the cause of various socialproblems.
D) It is quite common in entertainmentcircles.

Passage Two

According to Charles Happer, Chairman of Canogrose, the Healthy Choice line offrozen dinners, began with his own heart attack. It’s been brought on by yearsof eating anything he could get his hands on. (19) As he’s lying in hospital, recovering, Happerimagined a line of healthy frozen foods, the Tasty Good. (20) The Healthy Choice productline was carefully tested with consumers before being introduced to the generalpublic. Canogrose’s research and development staff spent a year workingunder the instruction—“Whatever the cost, don’t sacrifice taste”. The firsttest market results surprised even the Canogroseteam: the low sodium low fat frozen dinners sold much better than expected.According to the firm’s vice president of marketing and sales, (21) we benefited from lowexpectations. The products were much better than people thought theywould be. This finding supported Canogrose’s decision to position a productagainst other high quality frozen dinners, rather than as a diet or healthfood. The new product’s brand’s name and packaging were an important part ofthe development process. (22)The name Healthy Choice was chosen for the positive implication it held forconsumers. Because Canogrose though the product wouldbe an impulse purchase, it was important to make the item stand out in afreezer case. This was accomplished though the dark green packaging that notonly differed from the competitors, but also suggested freshness and richnessin vitamins.

Q19 What didCharles Happer think of while he was in hospital?

 A) Taking up exercises afterrecovery.

B) Finding new ways to cure heart disease.

C) Going on a diet upon leaving thehospital.

D)Producing tasty healthy frozen food.

Q20 What does thepassage say about the Health Choice product line before it went to market?

 A)It was carefully tested with consumers.

B) It was disapproved by many diet experts.

C) It was promoted by health organizations.

D) It was highly expected by the generalpublic.

Q21 What is said tocontribute to Canogrose’s buniess success?

A) Competitive price.

B) Vigorous promotion.

C) Low expectations.

D) Unique ingredients.

Q22 What does thespeaker say about the name Healthy Choise?

A)It has a positive implication for consumers.

B) It tricks the elders into impulsepurchasing.

C) It matches the food’s dark greenpackaging.

D) It was suggested by the firm’svice-president.

Passage Three

(23) In the United States, 36 states currently allowedcapital punishment for serious crimes, such as murder. Americans have always argued about the death penalty.Today, there is a serious question about this issue—(24) Should there be a minimum age limit forexecuting criminals? In other words, is it right to convict murdererswho kill when they are minors, that is under the age of 18, to receive thedeath penalty. In most other countries of the world, there is no capitalpunishment for minors. In the United States, though, each state makes its owndecision. Of the 36 states that allowed the death penalty, 30 permit the execution of minors. In the state of SouthCarolina, a convicted murderer was given the death penalty for acrime he committed while he was a minor. In 1977, when he was 17 years old,James Terry Roach and two friends cruelly murdered three people. Roach’s lawyerfought the decision to execute him. The young murder remained on death roll forten years while his lawyer appeal to the governor. The lawyer argued that it’swrong to execute a person for a crime he committed while he was a minor. In theUnited Sates, the governor of a state has the power to change a sentence fromthe death penalty to life in prison. (25) Nonetheless, the governor of South Carolina refused to stop the execution.Roach was finally executed in 1986.

Questions 23 to 25 arebased on the conversation you have just heard.

Q23 What does thespeaker say about the death penalty in the United States?

A) It will be abolished sooner orlater.

B)It is practiced in most of the states.

C) It has to be approved by the Supreme Court.

D) It has drawn a lot of criticism fromoverseas.

Q24 What is thefocus of the debate around the death penalty?

 A)What effect it might have on youngsters.

B) What type of criminals should receiveit.

C)Whether there should be a minimum age limit for execution.

D) Whether the practice should be allowed to continuein future.

Q25 What does thespeaker say about James Terry Roach?

A) The court sentenced him to life in prisonfor killing two friends.

B) The governor changed his death sentenceto life in prison.

C) He was the first minor to be executed inSouth Carolina.

D)He was sentenced to death for a crime he committed as a minor.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will heara passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the secondtime, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have justheard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should checkwhat you have written.

Now listen to the passage.

Some people borrow money and forget to payit back. Large learns are seldom issue. They are usually treated as business transactions with the term spelt out on paper. But manywomen suffer in silenceover problems like chaos. My friend Jenny is always short of cash. She says, “I hate to recallhow often I’ve learned her a adorable to, for drink or movie. Each learn is sosour I feel really cheap making a big deal out of it. Still I do resent the fact that shenever pays me back.” Cary admits being too embarrassed orsomething to demand repayment. But she is resolved to stop lending money toJenny. “The last time she asks for 5 dollars to pay for her drive cleaning, Ijust told her I couldn’t spareit.” Another one suggests a bold response “when somebody refuses to repay learn, I turn the tables by requesting one myself.” She says. “I lefthand without my wallet, or say, can you lend me enough to cover lunch? Thenwhen the money is safe in hand, I am struck by a sudden realization: well, this is exactly theamount I learned last week. How convenient! Now you won’t have to repay me.” She says, “it workslike a charm.”


Section A Conversations

1. D) The time for the man’s visit to the woman’s company.

2. C) In a library.

3. B) He cannot get through to New York.

4. D) Discuss his thesis with Prof. Hudson.

5. C) He still does not know where he left his watch.

6. A) He forgot all about what he said.

7. C) She is always making excuses for being late.

8. B) He has to move out of the building soon.

Long Conversation 1

9. A) From some of her friends.

10. A) She finishes her secondary school.

11. D) She is a shorthand-typist.

Long Conversation 2

12. B) It has been off and on for ten years.

13. C) Social games.

14. B) The owner’s attitude.

15. D) It is a rather tough job.


Section B

Passage 1

16. C) It hurts a person and those around them.

17. A) They take drugs to get high.

18. B) It is hard to get rid of.

Passage 2

19. D) Producing tasty healthy frozen food.

20. A) It was carefully tested with consumers.

21. C) Low expectations.

22. A) It has a positive implication for consumers.

Passage 3
23. B) It is practiced in most of the states.
24. C) Whether there should be a minimum age limit for execution.
25. D) He was sentenced to death for a crime he committed as a minor


Section C

26. transactions 

27. in silence 

28. short of 

29. resent

30. embarrassed 

31. spare 

32. response  

33. turn the tables 

34. realization  

35. convenient

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