





Les Misérables L3

悲惨世界 L3

By morning Valjean was a long way from the bishop's house. But how do you carry big silver plates? How do you hide them? People in Digne began to whisper...


'Did you see him? That big man, carrying six silver plates? Where did he get them from, eh?'


'Those plates came from the church. A man like that doesn't have silver plates!'


'No! And he carries a yellow card, did you see? So he was a prisoner once. He's a thief--he stole those plates!'


The police heard the whispers. They went after Jean Valjean, found him, and took him back to the bishop's house in the afternoon. But there, they had a surprise.


'My dear friend!' the bishop said to Jean Valjean. 'I'm so pleased to see you. You forgot the candlesticks! I gave you the silver plates and the candlesticks, you remember? But you forgot to take the candlesticks when you left.'


'But this man is a thief!' said one of the policemen.


'No, no, of course not,' said the bishop, smiling. 'I gave the silver to Monsieur Valjean.'


'You mean he can go? He is free?' said the policeman.


'Of course,' the bishop said.


All this time Jean Valjean stared at the bishop, and said not one word. The policemen went away, and the Bishop of Digne went into his house and came out again with the two silver candlesticks. They were tall and heavy and beautiful. The bishop put the candlesticks into Jean Valjean's hands.


'Jean Valjean, my brother,' he said. 'You must leave your bad life behind you. This is God's silver, and I am giving it to you. With it, you can begin a new, good life. I am buying your soul for God.'


Jean Valjean left the town of Digne, with his silver plates and his silver candlesticks. Suddenly, he was a rich man, but he did not understand why.


'What's happening to me?' he thought. 'Everything is changing. How can I hate people when this bishop is so good to me? What shall I do? How shall I live?'


Prisoner Valjean did not understand anything. He sat down by the road, with his head in his hands, and cried. He cried for the first time in nineteen years.


How long did he sit there, crying? What did he do next, and where did he go? Nobody knows, but when the sun came up on a new day, he was a changed man.




 1.steal vt. 偷窃;n. 便宜货

例句:They stole thousands of dollars' worth of jewellery from the store.


           This car is a steal at only $5,000.


2.go after 追求;追逐

例句:The police went after him but he got away.


           I can't decide whether to go after the job or not.


3.surprise n. 惊喜;让人意外的事;adj. 令人惊讶的

例句:The news came as a complete surprise to everyone.


           I asked him if he wanted to come to dinner, and surprise, surprise, he said yes!


4.leave...behind 把某人留下;抛下

例句:She's able to live a new life, leaving the past behind.


           He was forced to leave the country, leaving behind his wife and children.


5.changed adj. 变了样的

例句:Alice returned from her travel, a changed woman.


          After years of hard work and training, he's a changed man.


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