《小红帽》(Little Red Riding Hood)(英文版)

《小红帽》(Little Red Riding Hood)(英文版)


Once upon a time there was a sweet little girl. Everyone who saw her liked her, but most of all her grandmother, who did not know what to give the child next. Once she gave her a little cap made of red velvet. Because it suited her so well, and she wanted to wear it all the time, she came to be known as Little Red Riding Hood. 

One day her mother said to her: "Come Little Red Riding Hood. Here is a piece of cake and a bottle of wine. Take them to your grandmother. She is sick and weak, and they will do her well. Mind your manners and give her my greetings. Behave yourself on the way, and do not leave the path, or you might fall down and break the glass, and then there will be nothing for your sick grandmother."

Little Red Riding Hood promised to obey her mother. The grandmother lived out in the woods, a half hour from the village. When Little Red Riding Hood entered the woods a wolf came up to her. She did not know what a wicked animal he was, and was not afraid of him. 

"Good day to you, Little Red Riding Hood." - "Thank you, wolf." - "Where are you going so early, Little Red Riding Hood?" - "To grandmother's." - "And what are you carrying under your apron?" - "Grandmother is sick and weak, and I am taking her some cake and wine. We baked yesterday, and they should give her strength." - "Little Red Riding Hood, just where does your grandmother live?" - "Her house is a good quarter hour from here in the woods, under the three large oak trees. There's a hedge of hazel bushes there. You must know the place," said Little Red Riding Ho     od. 

The wolf thought to himself: "Now there is a tasty bite for me. Just how are you going to catch her?" Then he said: "Listen, Little Red Riding Hood, haven't you seen the beautiful flowers that are blossoming in the woods? Why don't you go and take a look? And I don't think you can hear how beautifully the birds are singing. You are walking along as though you were on your way to school in the village. It is very beautiful in the woods."

Little Red Riding Hood opened her eyes and saw the sunlight breaking through the trees and how the ground was covered with beautiful flowers. She thought: "If I take a bouquet to grandmother, she will be very pleased. Anyway, it is still early, and I'll be home on time." And she ran off into the woods looking for flowers. Each time she picked one she thought that she could see an even more beautiful one a little way off, and she ran after it, going further and further into the woods.

从前有个可爱的小姑娘,谁见了都喜欢,但最喜欢她的是她的奶奶,简直是她要什么就给她什么。 一次,奶奶送给小姑娘一顶用丝绒做的小红帽,戴在她的头上正好合适。 从此,姑娘再也不愿意戴任何别的帽子,于是大家便叫她"小红帽"。



奶奶住在村子外面的森林里,离小红帽家有很长一段路。 小红帽刚走进森林就碰到了一条狼。 小红帽不知道狼是坏家伙,所以一点也不怕它。

"你好,小红帽,"狼说。-- "谢谢你,狼先生。" -- "小红帽,这么早要到哪里去呀?" -- "我要到奶奶家去。" -- "你那围裙下面有什么呀?" -- "蛋糕和葡萄酒。昨天我们家烤了一些蛋糕,可怜的奶奶生了病,要吃一些好东西才能恢复过来。" -- "你奶奶住在哪里呀,小红帽?" -- "进了林子还有一段路呢。她的房子就在三棵大橡树下,低处围着核桃树篱笆。你一定知道的。"小红帽说。


小红帽抬起头来,看到阳光在树木间来回跳荡,美丽的鲜花在四周开放,便想:"也许我该摘一把鲜花给奶奶,让她高兴高兴。现在天色还早,我不会去迟的。"她于是离开大路,走进林子去采花。 她每采下一朵花,总觉得前面还有更美丽的花朵,便又向前走去,结果一直走到了林子深处。

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