


欢迎订阅主播“中国日报网”在喜马拉雅上的【China Daily 英语新闻】和【24节气英语说】两个专辑,通过我们的节目,不错过世界上发生的趣事!(未经授权,请勿转载)

1 / EU leaders reach recovery deal


EU leaders have struck a deal on a huge post-coronavirus recovery package following a fourth night of talks early on Tuesday. 


It involves €750b in grants and loans to counter the impact of the pandemic in the 27-member bloc. The talks saw a split between nations hardest hit by the virus and so-called "frugal" members concerned about costs. 


The deal centers on a €390b program of grants to member states hardest hit by the pandemic. Italy and Spain are expected to be the main recipients. A further €360b in low-interest loans will be available to members of the bloc. 


The package will allow members to maintain spending in the aftermath of lockdowns that badly affected public finances. The European Commission will borrow the €750b on international markets and distribute the aid. The deal was reached alongside agreement on the bloc's next seven-year budget, worth about €1.1 trillion.




英 /ˈfruːɡl/ 美 /ˈfruːɡl/

adj. 节俭的;朴素的;花钱少的

2 / Tsinghua's gorgeous admission letters 


Tsinghua University started sending admission letters to its incoming postgraduate students on Monday, and this year's admission letter contains exquisite illustrations featuring shades of purple. 


Iconic buildings and elements of Tsinghua University, including the school river, the lotus pond, gate, sundial, auditorium, and sports center, are all incorporated into the left side of the inside page. 


The text of the admission letter is printed on the right side of the inside page, with the background featuring a neat array of Chinese redbuds, the symbolic flower of the university, which represents the gathering of students in the campus. 


Qiu Yong, president of Tsinghua University, presented the first copy of the latest version of the university's admission letter to a student in Wuhan via video link on Monday.  




英 /ɪkˈskwɪzɪt; ˈekskwɪzɪt/ 美 /ɪkˈskwɪzɪt,ˈekskwɪzɪt/

n. 服饰过于讲究的男子

adj. 精致的;细腻的;优美的,高雅的;异常的;剧烈的


英 /ˈsʌndaɪəl/ 美 /ˈsʌndaɪəl/

n. 日晷,日规;羽扇豆(产于美国东部)

3 / COVID-19 test a must for flyers


All passengers taking inbound flights to China from overseas will be required to have a nucleic acid test within five days before their flights in an effort to curb the cross-border spread of COVID-19 and ensure the safety of international travel, said the country's top civil aviation regulator. 


According to a notice jointly issued Tuesday by multiple departments including the Civil Aviation Administration of China and General Administration of Customs, all passengers, whether Chinese citizens or overseas travelers, should take the nucleic acid test at medical institutions designated by Chinese embassies. 


Passengers who are Chinese citizens are required to take photos of and upload the nucleic acid test results via an epidemic prevention mini program on the Chinese instant messaging platform WeChat, it said. 


Overseas travelers need to apply for a declaration of health status from the Chinese embassy with a valid written report of a negative test result, it added. 


Airlines will check the health QR code or health declaration ahead of boarding, and those failing to produce such documents will be denied boarding, it said, adding that passengers who provide false certificates and information shall bear the corresponding legal liabilities.


4/ Ban on single-use plastics


The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and seven other ministries jointly introduced a guiding document, which stated non-degradable plastic bags will be banned in a majority of cities from Jan 1, 2021. 


All supermarkets and stores are required to charge customers for plastic bags, but the latest move shows the authorities' determination to reduce white pollution by putting an end to the use of plastic bags altogether. 


The move found widespread support on social networking sites, as more people are waking up to the importance of getting rid of plastic garbage. 


People who are accustomed to getting a plastic bag after buying goods in the supermarket will now have to look for degradable ones, if they are available. 


Enterprises that produce non-degradable, disposable plastic bags will have to start producing degradable ones or go out of business. 




英 /dɪˈɡreɪdəbl/ 美 /dɪˈɡreɪdəbl/

adj. 可能降解的


Hi everyone, here are words you should know from today's news.

No.1 frugal

It involves €750b in grants and loans to counter the impact of the pandemic in the 27-member bloc. The talks saw a split between nations hardest hit by the virus and so-called "frugal" members concerned about costs. 

No.2 exquisite

Tsinghua University started sending admission letters to its incoming postgraduate students on Monday, and this year's admission letter contains exquisite illustrations featuring shades of purple. 

No.3 sundial

Iconic buildings and elements of Tsinghua University, including the school river, the lotus pond, gate, sundial, auditorium, and sports center, are all incorporated into the left side of the inside page. 

No.4 degradable

The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and seven other ministries jointly introduced a guiding document, which stated non-degradable plastic bags will be banned in a majority of cities from Jan 1, 2021. 

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 Thanks for listening! See you tomorrow!

  • 喻城ycyc

    EU leaders European Union leaders 欧盟领导人 达成协议 reach a deal; strike(struck) a deal recovery package复苏计划 (package计划的意思,平常的意思是包裹. an aid package一个援助计划) following 可以代替after(写作好词汇) takls会谈 (summit talks 高峰会谈) post前缀表示后,post-war 战后 loans and grants赠款和贷款 counter 反驳 反对 member bloc成员国 see a split发生分歧see写作可以借鉴

  • 时光清浅流年满过夏天


    是友利奈绪呐 回复 @时光清浅流年满过夏天: 实锤了,华为手机

  • Chen_31415926

    frugal in the aftermath of gorgeous exquisite illustration sundial auditorium Chinese redbud valid written report

    WDDSHYHQXZS 回复 @Chen_31415926: 打卡

  • 听友236016196

    主播读错了词哦,把Chinese redbuds读成了Chinese rosebuds

  • 1366839siau


  • 一天世界_


  • Fang_hhhhhh


  • 听友233656016


  • 听友240893871


    哈哈霍霍嘿嘿 回复 @听友240893871: 我一点五倍速听。。。小学

  • 大齐读英文
