7月16日早间英文播报:Xi calls for solidarity in fighting virus

7月16日早间英文播报:Xi calls for solidarity in fighting virus


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President pledges regional cooperation in talks with Singaporean, Thai leaders


China stands ready to strengthen cooperation with the international community, including Singapore and Thailand, in fighting the novel coronavirus pandemic and jointly promoting global public health security, President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday.


Xi also vowed to work with the two Southeast Asian nations to safeguard peace and stability in the region when he held separate telephone conversations with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha.


While talking with Lee on the phone, Xi said that, in responding to the novel coronavirus outbreak, China upholds the vision of the community with a shared future for mankind and has shared anti-epidemic experience with other countries without reservations and provided them with materials and expertise.


China is willing to work with Singapore to support international solidarity against the virus with the World Health Organization playing a leading role in the process and jointly build a community of health for all, he said.


Xi said he appreciated the two countries' help for each other in combating the epidemic and said China and Singapore took the lead in establishing a fast-lane to facilitate people-to-people exchanges and promote stable supply and industrial chains in the region.


He also underlined the need for the two countries to intensify cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative.


China will continue to deepen reforms and expand opening-up and improve its business environment, Xi said, adding that he hopes Singapore will also provide sound conditions for Chinese companies doing business in the country.


Lee commended China's efforts to successfully contain the virus under the leadership of Xi while the pandemic is still raging in the world, and said his country stands ready to strengthen cooperation with China on the research and development of related vaccines and medicines.


Singapore is willing to work with China to uphold free and open trade to ensure stable supply and industrial chains in the region, Lee said, adding that he welcomes Chinese companies to Singapore.


In a telephone conversation with the Thai prime minister, Xi mentioned the mutual support and assistance between China and Thailand in the fight against the virus, and he said China stands ready to strengthen the sharing of experience with Thailand and advance the resumption of production while preventing and controlling the epidemic.


Saying that the construction of the China-Thailand railway is proceeding smoothly, Xi called on the two countries to strengthen the synergy of the BRI with Thailand's development strategies and advance cooperation in e-commerce in order to make new progress in the China-Thailand comprehensive strategic partnership.


China is willing to work with Thailand to intensify solidarity with other countries in the region and uphold the good momentum of regional development and prosperity, he added.


The Thai prime minister commended the strong leadership of the Chinese government as well as the people-first philosophy it upholds in responding to COVID-19, and he appreciated China's commitment to make a vaccine a global public good once it is successfully developed.


Thailand adheres to the one-China policy and firmly supports China's efforts in safeguarding its core interests, he said, adding that his country stands ready to work with China to uphold regional peace and stability.


Also on Tuesday, Xi congratulated Chandrikapersad Santokhi on his election as Suriname's president.


In a congratulatory message, Xi said he is willing to work with Santokhi to deepen bilateral cooperation.


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播报:Andrew Pasek



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