Sleep Baby

Sleep Baby

  • 懿翎

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  • 末末_ak

    sleep, baby,sleep 睡吧 宝贝 睡吧 Sleep, baby, sleep 睡吧,宝贝,睡吧 Your father tends the sheep. 你老爸在数羊 Your mother shakes the dreamland tree 你老妈在摇着梦里的树 And finds a dream for you and me .为你和我找到一个美梦 Sleep, baby, sleep. 睡吧,宝贝,睡吧

    An懵智 回复 @末末_ak: 谢谢

  • 丹露_RH

    sleep, baby,sleep 睡吧 宝贝 睡吧 Sleep, baby, sleep 睡吧,宝贝,睡吧 Your father tends the sheep. 你老爸在数羊 Your mother shakes the dreamland tree 你老妈在摇着梦里的树 And finds a dream for you and me .为你和我找到一个美梦 Sleep, baby, sleep. 睡吧,宝贝,睡吧

  • Jasmine233

    Sleep,baby,sleep.  Your father tends the sheep.  Your mother shakes the Dream Land tree.  Down falls a little dream for thee.  Sleep,baby,sleep.  Sleep,baby,sleep.  Your father tends the sheep.  Your mother shakes the Dream Land tree.  Down falls a little dream for thee.  Sleep,baby,sleep.

  • 菜菜_bft

  • Carry0
