66 巧遇好久不见的TA!英语怎么说?

66 巧遇好久不见的TA!英语怎么说?



Q1:What line of business are you in?/What type of work do you do? 你做哪一行?

可能的回答:I'm in sales. How about you? 我从事业务工作,你呢?

Q2: Are you seeing anyone?/ Do you have someone special? 你现在有和谁在约会吗?

可能的回答:Yes, I've been going out with a guy for a year now. 我和一个男生已经交往一年了。

Q3: Are you married?/ Do you have any kids? 你结婚了吗?

可能的回答:No, I'm still single. 我仍单身。

What line of business are you in?/What type of work do you do?

-I'm in sales. How about you?

Are you seeing anyone?/ Do you have someone special?

Yes, I've been going out with a guy for a year now.

Are you married?/ Do you have any kids?

No, I'm still single.

  • SJ_伊哥

    纠正下你的汉语 是地道,不是道地

    学英语环游世界 回复 @莹小主_56: 是滴!

  • 听友33907361


  • IDo_3T


  • IDo_3T

    仔细听,Mr. Wong 坦白的说了,不是口误喔

    学英语环游世界 回复 @听友null: 哈哈 哎哟 他是看稿啦

  • 蓝色的海AAAAA


  • 子墨君

  • 丁歌001

    are you seeing anyone?are you going out with anyone?do you have someone special?do you have any kids?are you marryed?no, I'm still

  • 听友13850374

    are you seeing anyone? are you have any kids?

  • 听友13850374

    what line of business are you in?what type of work do you do? I am in sales. how about you?

  • appletree_Cy

    What line of business are you in ?