【24节气英语说】夏至 Summer Solstice

【24节气英语说】夏至 Summer Solstice



24 solar terms5 things you may not know about Summer Solstice

The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Summer Solstice, the 10th solar term of the year, begins on Sunday this year and ends on July 6.


At this time, much of the northern hemisphere receives the most hours of daylight, but it does not bring the hottest temperatures, which will come 20 to 30 days later.




The following are 5 things you might not know about Summer Solstice

1.The longest day of the year


On the Summer Solstice itself, daylight lasts the longest for the whole year in the northern hemisphere. After this day, daylight hours get shorter and shorter and temperatures become higher in the northern hemisphere.


How long is the longest day in China? According to an expert, the entire day in Mohe in Heilongjiang province, located in the northern most tip of China, lasts nearly 17 hours when you include dawn, twilight and its after glow. Summer Solstice is the best season for viewing the aurora in Mohe, "the sleepless town of China".


2.A public holiday


Summer Solstice was an important festival in ancient China. As early as the Han Dynasty, when the Mid-autumn Festival and the Double Ninth Festival were not as important as they are today, Summer Solstice was already celebrated.


Before the Qing Dynasty, people even had a one-day holiday on Summer Solstice. According to Song Dynasty records, officials could have three days off during the Summer Solstice.


To celebrate Summer Solstice, women gave colored fans and sachets to each other. Fans could help them cool down and the sachets could drive away mosquitoes and make them smell sweet.


3. Seeing the sun turn around


Ha'ni autonomous county in Mojiang, southwest China's Yunnan province is located on the northern tropic. Every year on the Summer Solstice, the sun sits directly over the Tropic of Cancer and returns from north to south. Then, the amazing phenomenon known as "upright pole with no shadows" occurs.


The Hani people revere the sun and have always had a close bond with it. They welcome the turn-around of the sun and offer sacrifices to it.


4.Eating noodles


There is a saying in East China's Shandong province that goes, "eat dumplings on the Winter Solstice and eat noodles on Summer Solstice." People in different areas of Shandong province eat chilled noodles on this day. Other people around China, including those in Beijing, also have a tradition of eating noodles.


5.Dragon boat racing in Zhejiang


Due to the local climate, dragon boat races have been held on the Summer Solstice day in Shaoxing, East China's Zhejiang province rather than on Dragon Boat Festival since the Ming and Qing dynasties. This tradition is still in practice today, with all the attendant excitement.


  • 时光清浅流年满过夏天


    听友10382254 回复 @时光清浅流年满过夏天: 词三错了

  • stick_click

    BGM: 02 吟(古风类) by梁顺文

  • Iamliqing

    June 21 of 2020, today is sunday, Father's, also a great sunny day, the longest day. a perfect day

  • 人大附小程鑫煜

    dawn 英l#dɔːnr# 美l#dɔːnr# n. 黎明; 拂晓; 破晓; 开端; 曙光; 萌芽; v. 开始; 变得明朗; 开始清楚; Nancy woke at dawn. 拂晓时分南希醒了。 第三人称单数:dawns 复数:dawns 现在分词:dawning 过去式:dawned 过去分词:dawned

  • 人大附小程鑫煜

    attendant 英l#əˈtendəntr# 美l#əˈtendəntr# n. 服务员; 侍者; (要人的) 侍从,随从; (病人的) 护理者; adj. 伴随的; 随之而来的; Tony Williams was working as a car-park attendant in Los Angeles. 托尼·威廉斯在洛杉矶的一个停车场当服务生。 复数:attendants

  • 人大附小程鑫煜

    excitement 英l#ɪkˈsaɪtməntr# 美l#ɪkˈsaɪtməntr# n. 激动; 兴奋; 刺激; 令人激动(或兴奋)的事; Everyone is in a state of great excitement. 每个人都大为兴奋。 复数:excitements

  • 人大附小程鑫煜

    rather than 英l#ˈrɑːðə(r) ðænr# 美l#ˈræðər ðænr# 而不; I think he means 'at' rather than 'to' 我想,他是想说at,而不是to。


    第五点的标题应该是 Dragon Boat Races in Zhejiang. 不是racing.

    袅娜迎风 回复 @听友214309911: 音频里读的是races

  • 人大附小程鑫煜

    chilled 英l#tʃɪldr# 美l#tʃɪldr# v. 使很冷; 使冰冷; (使) 冷却; (被) 冷藏; 使恐惧; 恐吓; 吓唬; chill的过去分词和过去式; Raw eggs are highly perishable and must be chilled before and after cooking. 生鸡蛋非常容易变质,烹制前后必须冷藏。 原型: chill