


  • q8uxbktqzov51t5dazrx


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @q8uxbktqzov51t5dazrx: “工忠号”:璐璐的英文小酒馆

  • 陶靖节先生


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @陶靖节先生:

  • xfvhnkmjbgcdz

    it reminds me of my chemical teacher who laughed at me in front of the class and asked me to do the stupid things, which made me hate chemistry. i was shameless. until now, i think i was too naive for her stupid behavior.

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @xfvhnkmjbgcdz: That is very true, a good teacher can spark interest, a bad one puts the light out

  • 绵绵Cassiel


    英语主播璐璐 回复 @绵绵Cassiel: 谢谢支持酒馆

  • J啾啾啾

    Thanks Lulu for this healing episode. I am also very angry and sad about this news these days. You remind me of some of my memories when I was a student. When I was in high school, the Teaching Director of out grade which is a man in his thirtes took over our history class for the absent teacher. I took a sip of water while in the class, (drinking water is all allowed by our other teachers,I didn't know he doesn't allowed this), then that man got really furious! He spent nearly half of the class to humilitate me in front of our classmates

    英语主播璐璐 回复 @J啾啾啾: It’s a pity that there are those who don’t deserve to be teachers. However, there will always be a lot more truly encouraging and inspirational educators out there~

  • xfvhnkmjbgcdz

    For some of the teachers like “study-well”students, i think it's wrong. Because that's why “study-worse” students here to learn from you!! they need teacher focus eyes on them. Teacher's bias also being kind of bullying because that makes students blame themselves for not being good and self-doubt

  • 圆满帽子

    Actually in my school-days I was required to ask my parents go to school and talked with teacher. They didn’t talk a lot. But I always feel afraid when my parents go to school

  • 是徐米粒啊


  • 大哥爱思考盒子


  • 大哥爱思考盒子
