



主播:梅莉(法国巴黎)+ 翩翩(中国青岛)

配乐:Itsi Bitsi Petit Bikini

1. 摆地摊怎么说?

* 地摊:street stall  摆地摊: set up a street stall


* 摆地摊(卖货):Run a street stall

Running a street stall can be a great way to start a business.


* 地摊的摊主: a stall keeper

   街上的卖家: a street vendor 

我是个摆地摊的: I’m a street vendor. /  I’m a stall keeper.

大不了去摆地摊: No big deal, we can go running street stall !

2. 欧美国家,有“地摊”吗?

欧美国家,在景区、度假地附近有夜市,卖旅游纪念品、夏天的衣裳summer clothes、小玩意

* night markets 夜市

* vacation locations 度假地点

*  touristic place 景区

* souvenirs /ˌsuvə'nɪr/: 法语词,伴手礼(纪念品)

* gadget /'gædʒɪt/ : 小玩意

They are more like a store that extends into the streets. 但这些摊位,其实更多的是店铺延伸到街上。



有些人会place some products on the ground(把产品放在地上) and sell in(出售),

尤其是many artists(很多搞艺术的),sell their own hand made products 在街上卖自己的手工品。

3. 美国的 yard sales,法国的Braderie


yard sales 庭院甩卖 +  garage sales 车库甩卖

销售地点:in their yard  在自家院子里

销售的物品:things they do not use anymore  家里用不着的二手东西

People who are interested can come and check it out 感兴趣的人们都可以进来看看。


Braderie :法语, 意为clearance sales 清家底儿

销售时间:happen on a specific day 固定的一天

销售物品:things they do not use anymore  家里用不着的二手东西

old toys旧玩具, baby clothes婴儿装, vintage things 古着、古董...

* They are considered an event 更像是一个活动。

*  It is very popular and does attract many people. 在法国,很火、能吸引到很多人来

* Some roads are blocked. 有些路会被清出来,

*  So there can be more space for people to sell their things.  腾出更多的地方来给人们卖东西。


4. 在欧美,摆摊是合法的吗?

In France there are street vendors that sell cheap souvenirs illegally.  法国很多卖便宜纪念品的街贩,都是违法的


带一个包,里面装着一些货,随手就会pull it out(拿出货来卖),如果看到the police come by(警察过来),就会

quickly put it in the bag,然后 act like a normal tourist(假装是普通游客)

在中国长大的梅莉笑道: 法国埃菲尔铁塔下的商贩,兜售的“旅游纪念品”,一看就是made in China, 在淘宝上一搜(look it up)就能很便宜地买到。

5. 中西方截然不同的兜售文化




在欧美,却截然不同:There isn’t a culture of chasing after the customer

In China people often sell very similar products,在中国,很多人卖差不多的货,

there is very high competition. 所以,竞争很激烈。

在中国长大的梅莉,Having grown up in China ,早就习惯讲价了she was used to bargaining.

中国的商家,都很努力地想卖货, the sellers are very eager to sell their products 

肢体语言就能展示出来,They will physically show it

但回到法国之后,很快就意识到:Sellers do not have the same attitude. 你不买有别人来买,they will be ok with you walking away. 

6. 摆摊碰到外国人,用哪些英文吸引他们?


大部分商家都会对all of the foreigners walking by(路过的所有外国人)说:“look look”,因为大家都说同意就话,外国人也就ignore it.

最好的办法是——提问 asking questions!

* you will show that you care 表明你在意

* you can also find out what their preference is.  还能知道他们的喜好


* Can I help you with something? 

* What are you looking for? Maybe I can help you find it. 在找什么?说不定我能帮你找到。

* How are you doing?  外国人很喜欢这种small talk,聊聊天

* a comment on their appearance.夸奖一下他们的包包、衣服或者外形 比如:

I really like your bag it looks really nice. 好喜欢你的包。

( 这样他们自己我感觉超级良好, 会 take a second look at your products)

8. 如果你在中国的话,你会想尝试摆地摊吗?会卖什么呢?

Oh yes I would love to. I have actually done it and I think if I could do it again I would definitely sell food. More specifically French Crepes (可丽饼). I know people love it and I like baking so it would be very fun for me. 

9. 网上搞笑的meme:

如果各行业 转行摆地摊的话,


Programmer – Fix computers, Stick phone screen protections 

HR—— 相面( 算命)

Human resources – Fortune telling 

实习生—— 手冲咖啡

Intern – Make coffee 



中国的地摊,法国的Braderie, 美国的yard sales,你更喜欢哪一个呢?


  • 听友222525794


    奶茶没珍珠杨枝没甘露 回复 @听友222525794: 无聊