2017听力真题-对话 1-2

2017听力真题-对话 1-2


Conversation One

Questions 1 to 5 are based on Conversation One.


W: Good afternoon, this is B.E.S. customer service line. Maggie speaking. How can I help you?

M: Yeah. Yeah. Look, it's about my computer I bought of you one month ago.


W: Yes. What seems to be the problem?

M: Well, I was transferring my files to it from my flash drive and they got lost. Everything!



W: Okay. Now, don't worry. I'm sure we can sort something out. First, can you give me a few details? The computer has lost all your data, you say?

M: Yes. But you don't understand. It wiped everything of the flash drive as well. My whole life! My whole life was in those files!


W: Oh. My goodness. Are you sure? Sounds like the problem is with your flash drive.

M: Of course not. There is nothing wrong with my flash drive. I've had it for years. And I used it yesterday in my office, in another computer.


W: Okay. I can understand how upset you must be. Now, I don't think we can deal with it on the phone, so I'm going to send a service engineer to see if they can retrieve your data. Can you give me your product reference number?

M: Mmm. Ah, yes. Here it is. It's RF40101.


W: Thank you.

M: I'll be expecting a total refund and compensation if this can't be fixed.


W: I'm sorry. But we are not authorized to give refunds. What I can do is to send you a brand-new computer. How would that be?

M: But mine is supposed to be a brand-new computer. You think I want another one of these? After what the last one did to my files?


W: Well, let's see what our engineer can do. Hopefully, it's not quite as bad as you think. Now, I've got your address here in your customer file—No.23, Bond Street, right?

M: Yeah. Right.


W: And it's a Mr. Adams, isn't it?

M: Yes.


W: Right. Mr. Adams, we'll have an engineer with you early tomorrow morning. And I'll ask him to bring a new hard disc with him. Will you be at home?

M: Yes. But not before 8:30.


W: Okay. Our engineer will contact you before he comes. Can you be reached by this number---6574-3205?

M: Yes. Sure.


W: Well. Best of luck this afternoon. I hope we can solve the problem for you.

M: Well. Thanks. Ur...Good bye.


W: Good bye, Mr. Adams.


Questions 1 to 5 are based on Conversation One.


Q1: What's wrong with the man's computer?

Q2: How will the man be compensated if the computer can't be fixed?

Q3: How did the man feel about the woman's offer of compensation?

Q4: When will the service engineer come to fix the computer?

Q5: What is the man's phone number?










Conversation Two

Question 6 to 10 are based on Conversation Two.


M: Well, for years people have been trying to keep up with the joneses. But instead of competing with your neighbors, how about actually trying to get along with them. Joining us with some simple tips on how to deal with those likeable and not so likable neighbors is Betty Wong. She is the executive editor of Family Circle Magazine. Good morning, Betty.

W: Good morning, Allen.


M: Well, in an ideal world, I guess we would all get along with our neighbors, wouldn't we?

W: Right, right, we hope so.


M: But how do we establish a good relationship? When you move into a neighborhood, right, should you to reach out to the neighbors or should they be reaching out to you?

W: I think it can work either way, I mean, certainly, if they don't reach out to you, don't assume that they are being rude or unfriendly. They just might be holding back because they think you're too busy. So if they don't make that first step, you know, after a few days go ahead and introduce yourself.


M: Yeah, neighbors can be really helpful. But, of course they can also be annoying. For example, neighbors who make a lot of noise.

W: Well, loud music is one of those top complaints, and I think you know for most reasons. People, they probably aren't even aware that they are causing problems for the neighbor. And I think if you bring it up to your neighbors' attention, they will be more than happy to fix it. You could say something like, you know, I'm kind of, I am really a light sleeper or I suffered from headache. Can you help me out by, you know, turning down the music during the evening hours or the early morning or come up with a compromise that works for both of you.


M: Don't just call the police, right, which a lot of people do?

W: Of course, no.


M: Right, then, what about a nosy neighbor.

W: Right, I think a lot of time we made mistake nosy behavior for being, you know, nosy or poky when they are just being kind of trying to be friendly. Or maybe that person's lonely, it's, you kind of have to see what the motive is there. And oftentimes if you are a little evasive or, you just don't answer their question they often take the hint and back off.


M: And the neighbor that comes to visit and won't go away?

W: Well, I think you know that. There might be somebody who is just really lonely and wants a friend. You know oftentimes I think the rule is, a five or ten minute visit is fine. Because you know the way you are not imposing on that person's schedule or that person's plan. But you know you don't have to be best friends with her neighbor at all. You can just be polite and say hello in the morning and that makes everybody's relationship so much better.


M: Well, that'simportant, Betty Wong, thanks so much for the tips we appreciate from Family Circle Magazine. And for more on this topic and others, head to the early show website, CBS news.com.


Questions 6 to 10 are based on Conversation Two.


Question 6 What should we do if our neighbors didn't reach out?

Question 7 Which is the best way to handle a noisy neighbor?

Question 8 What should we do if we have a nosy neighbor?

Question 9 How long do we expect our neighbors to stay?

Question 10 Where can we get more information on this topic?

