【Day 21】歌剧院的幽灵-失踪的女歌唱家12

【Day 21】歌剧院的幽灵-失踪的女歌唱家12






The Phantom of the Opera L12

歌剧院的幽灵 L12


On Saturday morning Comte Philippe looked across the breakfast table at his brother.



 'Don't do it, Raoul, please. All this talk about ghosts and phantoms. I think the girl is mad.'



'She's not mad, and I'm going to marry her,' Raoul said.


'She's only a little opera singer,' Philippe said unhappily. 'And she's very young. Are you still going to love her in ten, or twenty, years' time?'



Raoul drank his coffee and did not answer.



There were two more unhappy faces in the Opera House, too. The directors now understood about O. G. They didn't want any more accidents.



'Box 5 is free tonight for O. G. Daaé is singing Margarita. And here is 20,000 francs. Madame Giry can leave the money in Box 5 for him. Is that everything?' Monsieur Armand asked Monsieur Firmin.

“五号包厢今晚空着留给O.G.。由达 埃来演唱玛格丽塔。另外这里是两万法郎。吉里夫人可以把这些钱留在五号包厢里给他。就这些了吧?”阿曼德先生问弗明先生。


'It's a lot of money, ' Monsieur Firmin said unhappily. He thought for a minute. 'What about some flowers in Box 5? Madame Giry says that O. G. likes flowers.'



'O. G. can bring his own flowers!' shouted Monsieur Armand.


The evening began well. The chandelier was now back in place, with new ropes. All Paris was in the Opera House.  Everybody wanted to hear Christine Daaé's voice again. People also knew about the love story between Christine Daaé and the Vicomte de Chagny. There are no love secrets in Paris! People watched the Comte and the Vicomte in Box 14 with interest. Young men from families like de Chagny do not marry opera singers.

这个夜晚到来时,一切还是令人满意的。那枝形吊灯换了新的绳索又挂回了它原来的位置。巴黎所有的人都到了歌剧院。 每个人都想再次欣赏克里斯廷·达埃的演唱。人们也都知道了克里斯廷·达埃和査格尼家族的子爵之间的爱情故事。在巴黎没有什么爱情秘密!人们饶有兴趣地朝14号包厢里的伯爵和子爵张望着。出身于像查格尼那样家族的年轻人是不会与歌剧演员结婚的。


When Christine came onto the stage, her face was white and she looked afraid. But she sang like an angel. Ah, what a voice! All Paris was in love with Christine Daaé.



She began to sing the famous love song. Suddenly, every light in the Opera House went out. For a second nobody moved or spoke. Then a woman screamed, and all the lights came on again.



But Christine Daaé was no longer on the stage! She was not behind the stage, she was not under the stage. Nobody could find her.



The Opera House went mad. Everybody ran here and there, shouted and called. In the directors' office, people ran in and out. The police came, and asked questions. But nobody could answer the questions. Monsieur Armand got angry and shouted, and Monsieur Firmin told him to be quiet. Then Madame Giry arrived in the office with her daughter Meg.



'Go away,woman!' Monsieur Armand shouted.

“出去,小娘们! ”阿尔曼先生喊道。

'Monsieur, there are three people missing now!' Madame Giry said. 'Meg, tell the directors your story.'


This was Meg's story.




1.in (将来时态) 一段时间之后

例句:I’ll come back in an hour.


          In a few years’ time, this place will look completely different.



2.face 脸庞(代指人)

例句:There are a few similar faces in class every year.


           It’s the same old faces at our meetings every week.



3.in place 在原位上

例句:He makes sure that every hair on his head is in place before leaving the house.


             With all the performers in place, we were ready to rehearse.



4.go out 外出;熄灭

例句:She goes out partying with her friends every weekend.


           When I woke up, the fire had gone out.



5.come on (机器等)开始工作;加油

例句:The light went out briefly and then came on again.


           The heating comes on at six in the morning.


  • 我是万凛云

  • 爱朗读的文琪


    爱朗读的文琪 回复 @听友239119259:

    Holiday_小琢 回复 @爱朗读的文琪: ,,,,

    我是万凛云 回复 @爱朗读的文琪:

  • cherry_123


    cherry_123 回复 @云婷沐沐: 我也是女孩

    初_中_牲 回复 @cherry_123: 嘤嘤嘤,我才120岁呢嘤嘤嘤🤪(🌚)

    Loko故事王 回复 @cherry_123: 40岁

  • 新手光环


    魔方高高手 回复 @新手光环: 哈哈😄

  • 安安Es


    突然爱上了雏菊 回复 @安安Es: 为啥呀⊙ω⊙

  • Narna


    Narna 回复 @Narna: “可怜之人必有可恨之处”。社会对他冷漠造就了他心灵的扭曲,所以说他是可怜人,但是他用残忍的手段对付其他人就是可恶了。 听音要听没说出来的。

    新手光环 回复 @Narna: 我TM……他可怜个鬼!长得丑就可以为所欲为吗?以爱之名就可以囚禁威胁吗?被他搞死搞残的那些人都是活该的吗?这么恶心的个玩意儿怎么支持的粉丝还挺多?我国有完整的刑法,他就涉及了故意伤害、敲诈勒索、囚禁、威胁恐吓、危害公共安全,造成一人死亡多人重伤等罪名,给个死刑都便宜他了,射成蜂窝煤都偿还不了他造成的损失和伤害。