


欢迎订阅主播“中国日报网”在喜马拉雅上的【China Daily 英语新闻】和【24节气英语说】两个专辑,通过我们的节目,不错过世界上发生的趣事!(未经授权,切勿转载)

1 / 13% museums may never reopen


Nearly 13% of the museums around the world may never reopen due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN's cultural agency has warned. 


On the occasion of International Museum Day Monday, two studies by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the International Council of Museums said that museums have been especially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with nearly 90% of them, or more than 85,000 institutions, having closed their doors for varying lengths of time during the crisis. 


Furthermore, in Africa and the Small Island Developing States, only 5% of museums were able to offer online content to their audiences. The two studies were aimed at assessing the impact of COVID-19 on museums and museum institutions. They were also aimed to find out how the sector had adapted to the pandemic and explore ways to support institutions in its aftermath.




英 /'vɛəriŋ/ 美 /'vɛəriŋ/

v. (大小、形状等)相异;(根据情况)变化;(使)多样化;偏离;(成比例)变化;变异(vary 的现在分词)

adj. 不同的;易变的


英 /ˈɑːftəmæθ; ˈɑːftəmɑːθ/ 美 /ˈæftərmæθ/

n. 后果;余波

n. (Aftermath)《空难余波》(电影名)

2 / Border bans to ease within EU


The world's biggest tourist playground has been roped off since it became a coronavirus epicenter, but as summer looms Europe is desperate to lift restrictions to get visitors pumping much needed cash into stricken economies. 


Last week, the European Union unveiled an action plan to get its internal borders reopening, safely fire up its hospitality sector and to revive rail, road, air and sea connections that have been strangled during the pandemic. 


Some countries, such as Greece and Italy, are already naming specific dates. On Saturday, Italy announced plans to reopen its internal borders next month, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that many internal EU border restrictions would be lifted by June 15.


It's a situation eagerly anticipated by millions of would-be travelers, desperate to enjoy a slice of European sunshine and culture after weeks or months being sequestered at home under lockdown.



rope off



英 /ˈstrɪkən/ 美 /ˈstrɪkən/

adj. 患病的;受挫折的;受…侵袭的;遭殃的


英 /ˈwʊd biː/ 美 /ˈwʊd biː/

n. 想要成为…人

adj. 想要成为的;自称的;冒充的

3/ Nasdaq to delist Luckin Coffee


Luckin Coffee Inc said on Tuesday that Nasdaq Inc has given it notice that it plans to delist it from the US stock exchange a month after the Chinese coffee chain disclosed that some of its employees fabricated sales accounts. 


Luckin said that it plans to request a hearing before a Nasdaq panel. The Chinese coffee chain will remain listed on the Nasdaq until the panel decides on an outcome. Hearings typically occur between 30 and 45 days after they are requested. It is unclear if the coronavirus pandemic will slow down that timeline. 


The company disclosed on April 2 that an internal probe found that Jian Liu, its COO at the time, had fabricated 2019 sales. Trading of Luckin shares on the Nasdaq has been halted since April 7 for pending news. Its shares had plummeted 83% since disclosing the fraud, putting its market value at $1 billion. 




英 /'fæbrikeit/ 美 /'fæbrɪ,ket/

adj. 虚构的

v. 编造;制造(fabricate 的过去式及过去分词)

4/ Sessions to boost confidence


As global attention turns to Beijing with the start of China's two sessions on Thursday, experts said that the nation's biggest annual political event will indicate the direction of its socioeconomic development amid the COVID-19 pandemic and will inject confidence into the gloomy world economy. 


In addition to setting the work priorities, targets and tasks for this year's national economic and social development, the two sessions could also focus on how China improves its public health security and responds to the complex and changing international situation. 


Zhou Fangyin, a senior researcher at the Guangdong Institute for International Strategies, said in an interview with China Daily that convening the two sessions is a signal that business is largely back to normal in the world's second-largest economy. It will provide a degree of certainty for the world economy and help the international community to overcome the panic that the pandemic has brought about. Against the backdrop of a trend against globalization during the pandemic, China will continue to uphold all-round opening-up and strengthen international cooperation in trade, investment and financing, he added.


Hi everyone, here are words and phrases you should know from today's news.

No.1 varying

On the occasion of International Museum Day Monday, two studies by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the International Council of Museums said that museums have been especially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with nearly 90% of them, or more than 85,000 institutions, having closed their doors for varying lengths of time during the crisis. 


No.2 aftermath

They were also aimed to find out how the sector had adapted to the pandemic and explore ways to support institutions in its aftermath.

No.3 rope off

No.4 stricken

The world's biggest tourist playground has been roped off since it became a coronavirus epicenter, but as summer looms Europe is desperate to lift restrictions to get visitors pumping much needed cash into stricken economies. 

No.5 would-be

It's a situation eagerly anticipated by millions of would-be travelers, desperate to enjoy a slice of European sunshine and culture after weeks or months being sequestered at home under lockdown.

No.6 fabricated

Luckin Coffee Inc said on Tuesday that Nasdaq Inc has given it notice that it plans to delist it from the US stock exchange a month after the Chinese coffee chain disclosed that some of its employees fabricated sales accounts. 

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 Thanks for listening!See you tomorrow!

  • 听友45976683

    Day 11 进度条要跑到上面去拉,感觉使用感比较差。

    听友45976683 回复 @1387531yveu: 什么意思?

  • 叶若邻

    rope off 用强围起;用绳子隔开 desperate adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的 fire up 生火;煽动 strangle v. 把……勒死;使哽咽,使窒息;掐死,扼死;抑制;妨碍,阻止 sequestered v. 扣押;隔离;(使)隔绝;多价螯和(sequester 的过去式及过去分词) delist 摘牌;除牌;停牌 pend v. 等候判定;悬挂;垂下 conven vt. 召集,集合;传唤

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