大卫·田纳特 | 朗读绘本故事《公路大盗鼠》

大卫·田纳特 | 朗读绘本故事《公路大盗鼠》


Oh hello, my name is David. And I’m going to read you “The Highway Rat” by Julia Donaldson, and the pictures are by Aexl Scheffler.


The Highway Rat was a baddie. The Highway Rat was a beast. He took what he wanted and ate what he took. His life was a one long feast. His teeth were sharp and yellow, his manners were rough and rude, and the Highway Rat went riding, riding, riding along the highway and stealing the travelers’ food.


A rabbit came hopping along the road, and stopped with her paws in the air. For blocking her way was the Highway Rat, who cried out “Who goes there? Give me your pastries and puddings. Give me chocolate and cake! For I’m the rat of the highway! The Highway! The Highway! Yes, I’m the rat of the highway! And whatever I want, I take!”


“I have no cakes,” the rabbit replied. “I just have a bunch of clover.” The Highway rat gave a scornful look. But he ordered, “Hand it over! This clover is bound to be tasteless. This clover is dull as can be! But I am the rat of the highway and this clover belongs to me!” 


A squirrel came bounding along the road, then stopped with a shake and a shiver. For reining his horse was the Highway Rat, who thundered “Stand and deliver! Give me your buns and your biscuits. Give me your chocolate éclairs, for I’m the rat of the highway! The Highway! The Highway! Yes, I’m the rat of the Highway and the rat thieve never shares.”


“Oh, I have no buns,” the squirrel replied, “I just have a sack of nuts.” The robber snatched the sack and snarled “I’ll have no ifs or buts. These nuts are probably rotten. These nuts are hard as can be! But I’m the rat of the highway and these nuts belong to me!”


Some ants came crawling along the road, and stopped with a somersault, for baring his teeth was the Highway Rat who bellowed a deafening, “Halt! Give me your sweets and your lollies. Give me your toffees and chews! For I’m the rat of the highway! The Highway! The highway! Yes, I’m the Rat of the Highway! And nobody dares to refuse.”


“We have no sweets,” the ants replied. “we just have this nice green leaf.” “Oh, no, you don’t! Not any more!” Declared the Highway thief,“This leaf is nasty and bitter. This leaf is as thin as can be. But I’m the rat of the highway, and this leaf belongs to me!”  

蚂蚁回答道,“可是我们没有甜食,只有一些新鲜的叶子。” “哦,天哪,只有这个!”公路大盗鼠说道,“这些叶子又苦又涩,真是要多薄有多薄!但不管怎样我可是鼎鼎有名的公路大盗鼠!这些叶子归我了!”

With never a “please” or “thank you”, the rat carried on in his way. Flies from a spider, milk from a cat… He once stole his own horse’s hay! The creatures who travelled the highway grew thinner and thinner and thinner, while the Highway Rat grew horribly fat from eating up everyone’s dinner!


A duck came waddling along the road, then stopped with a “How do you do?” “I see you have nothing,” the rat complained, “In that case, I’ll have to eat you! I doubt if you’re terribly juicy. Most likely, your tough as can be. But I’m the rat of the highway. The Highway! The Highway! Yes, I’m the rat of the highway and I fancy a duck for tea!”


“Hang on!” quacked the duck, “for I have a sister with goodies you might prefer. I know that she’d love to meet you and I’m certain that you’d like her. For in her cave, her deep, dark cave, right at the top of the hill are biscuits and buns aplenty! And there you may eat your fill!” “Lead on!” cried the rat, and they took the road which seemed it would never end. Onwards they rode and upwards, bend after bend after bend.


At last they came to a lonely cave and the duck began to quack. She quacked, “Good evening, sister! Sister! Sister!” And… “Sister! Sister! Sister!” a voice from the cave came back! 

最后他们终于抵达了一个幽僻的洞穴,鸭子开始喊道:“晚上好啊!姐姐!姐姐!姐姐!”然后…… “姐姐!姐姐!姐姐!”洞穴里传来了回应声。

“Do you have cakes and chocolates?” the Highway robber cried, and… “Chocolates! Chocolates! Chocolates!” The voice came from the cave replied. “I’m coming to take them!” the rat thief yelled. His greedy eyes grew round and… ”Take them! Take them! Take them!” came back the welcome sound. 

大盗鼠喊着,“你是不是有许许多多的蛋糕和巧克力!?” 然后……“巧克力!巧克力!巧克力!”洞穴里又传来这样的声音。” 大盗鼠又高声吼道,“那我要进去拿走!”他那贪婪的双眼瞪得圆滚滚的。 然后……“拿走!拿走!拿走!”洞穴里传来同样的回答声。

The Highway Rat leaped off his horse into the cave he strode. The duck took hold of the horse’s reins and galloped down the road. Faster, and ever faster, following all the bends, the plucky young duck went riding, riding, riding, galloping down the highway, back to her hungry friends. Then they share out the food from the saddlebags and feasted all night long.


Bright were the flames of the bonfires. Loud was the music and the song. Wild was the moonlight dancing. Merry the cheer and chat, for now they can live in freedom safe from the Highway Rat. 


And what is the rat in the echoey cave? He shouted and wandered till he found his way out of the darkness, on the other side of the hill, a thinner and greyer and meeker Rat. He robs on the road no more, for he landed a job in a cake shop! A cake shop! A cake shop! And they say he still works in the cake shop, sweeping the cake shop floor.


  • 六月的天狼星


  • 1300021iagu


  • Yeva__gi

    满脑子I’m the rat of the highway. The Highway! The Highway!

    qzuser_555v 回复 @Yeva__gi: 笑死我了

  • 黄予心

    哈哈哈哈哈哈提提好可爱!The highway出不去了

  • 澄澈依旧


  • Aros
