献给最美的你 _ 95后男生英文演讲致敬女性逆行者

献给最美的你 _ 95后男生英文演讲致敬女性逆行者


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In praise of women, on the virus frontlines and beyond

On the 46th International Women’s Day, tens of thousands of women are engaged in a battle that is critical to each and everyone of us: preventing the spread and alleviating the impact of COVID-19. 


Among them are the vice premier Sun Chunlan, the epidemiologist Li Lanjuan and a woman named Liang Yu, all helping in their own way. 


Sun has been bringing to bear her influence on the frontlines of the pandemic,


Li, 73 years old, has been getting less than four hours’ sleep a day, devoting most of her time doing research on the novel coronavirus.


And Yu has been looking after the physiological needs of women engaged in this battle, the vast majority of them nurses working as volunteers, and many others in supporting industries who exemplify how women hold up much more than half the sky.


Of course, like many women, these three heroines of ours are amazing multitaskers. They are daughters, mothers, friends and colleagues. But now the care and strength that they offer in those roles is extended to all of us in our common fight against the virus.


They are indeed heroines, yet the sense of responsibility that they bring to bear in this task transcends gender, because the qualities of courage, strength, dedication, empathy, endurance and love are admirable in both women and men.


Nevertheless, while we are all equal, it is being unequal that makes us the very individuals we are. Those variables, of course, include the different physiological and emotional needs of individuals. 


I can imagine that these three women would modestly minimize any attempts to lionize their deeds, but that shouldn’t mean that at the very least we record our gratitude for what they do.


Nobody can doubt that over many decades the cause of gender equality has made great strides – and yet much more remains to be done. For one thing, being sensitive to gender-related self-esteem and basic human dignity not pertaining to gender should now be the norm, and talking openly about the physiological needs of women and girls should no longer be taboo.


Women routinely put the wellbeing of others above themselves, something that many of us – men in particular – are oblivious to or take for granted. Of course, men too, are worthy of thanks and even praise in instances of selflessness, but it is women who more often than not are the overlooked sex.


So on this International Women’s Day, as the silent fight against COVID-19 continues, let us give full voice to our gratitude and appreciation for women wherever they are and enthusiastically wish that the day when genuine equality reigns is not far away.


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