227 'Avengers: Endgame' a fitting send-off for superheroes

227 'Avengers: Endgame' a fitting send-off for superheroes

Hi, welcome to English Journal 365.

This is Hu Yuxi.

I will read the 227th English journal for you.

It’s about Avengers.

'Avengers: Endgame' a fitting send-off for Marvel's superheroes

If there's a single phrase that sums up the guiding principle of the Marvel Cinematic Universe—the interdependent series of superhero movies that, with the arrival of this week's "Avengers: Endgame," now numbers 22 films—it's this: Hold that thought.
如果用一个短语来总结漫威电影宇宙的指导原则的话,就是这个:记住这些。漫威电影宇宙由一系列相互关联的超级英雄电影组成,算上本周上映的《复仇者联盟:终局之战》的话,一共有 22 部了。
To be sure, as the MCU has evolved, growing into an epic that can be, at times, confusing, a through line has coalesced around a group of inanimate objects: six powerful Infinity Stones whose scattered locations have shifted from planet to planet and from person to person, like a cosmic shell game, as the movies came and went.
It's helpful, before going to see "Endgame," to cast your mind back to the contradictory feelings of that final scene. The new movie, which focuses on the efforts of Captain America and the remaining Avengers to implement a do-over feels at once sad and deeply satisfying, complicated and surprisingly comic. If many of us have grown up with the MCU, the films themselves have also grown more complex, like a fine wine.
在去看《复仇者联盟:终局之战》之前,回想一下上一部的最后一幕带给你的矛盾感受会颇有裨益。这部新片主要讲述了美国队长和其他还活着的复仇者们背水一战的故事。(回想了复联 3,这部电影)能让你在忧伤的同时感到深深的满足,五味杂陈的同时又出其不意地令人开怀大笑。如果说,我们当中的很多人都是在漫威电影宇宙的陪伴下成长起来的,漫威的各大电影自身其实也发展得越来越错综复杂,宛如一瓶佳酿。
In a sense, "Endgame" is an example of the MCU cannibalizing itself, but it has always done so. And it does so here in a fresh way that is closer to homage than lazy appropriation.
As high as the stakes are in"Endgame," it is also a very funny movie. The humor of the story has to do with surprising ways in which the lives of certain characters have changed.
If "Infinity War" was about failure, "Endgame" is, ironically, all about acceptance and moving on. After 11 long years, the Infinity Saga is finally, fulfillingly over. There is no post-credit scene. But oh, what a going-away party these old friends have thrown for themselves.
如果说,《复仇者联盟:无限战争》关乎失败,那么具有讽刺意味的是,《复仇者联盟:终局之战》关乎着接受现实并开始新的生活。经历了漫长的 11 年,《复仇者联盟》系列终于圆满地谢幕,片尾没有彩蛋。但是啊,这些老朋友是给自己开了一场怎样的欢送会啊!

Well, this is the end of my English speech today.

Have you ever seen the Endgame?

Thanks for your listening.

Goodbye and good luck.
