凯瑞·穆里根 | 朗读绘本故事《浣熊扭扭》

凯瑞·穆里根 | 朗读绘本故事《浣熊扭扭》


Hello, I’m Carey, and today we are going to read Waddles, by David Macphail.

大家好,我是凯瑞,今天我们要读的是David Macphail的绘本《浣熊扭扭》。

Waddles waddled like a duck. But he was not a duck. Waddles was a raccoon. A very round raccoon. And he was always hungry.


Spring 春天

Waddles lived in a hollow tree in the park near a beautiful pond. Every day, Waddles waddle down to the pond to visit his best friend, Emily. Emily was a duck.


Sometimes they went swimming together. Other times, Emily kept Waddles company as he searched trash cans for something to eat. Emily offered to share the bugs that she caught, but Waddles preferred half-eaten sandwiches or cake.


One morning, Waddles found Emily sitting on a newly built nest. “Would you like to go for a swim?” Waddles asked her.

“Not today, Waddles.” said Emily,” I laid my eggs. Now I have to sit on them until they hatch.”



“But how will you get food for lunch?” Waddles asked.

“I’m not sure.”Emily said.

“Then I will bring you food every day.” Waddles told her.




A few days later,Waddle brought Emily some breakfast.

“Oh, how I wish I could go for a swim,” Emily said.

“Why don’t you?”Waddle said. “I can sit on the eggs for a while.”




At first, Emily hesitated, but then she thought about it. “That’s a splendid idea!” She said, “You are very cuddly. And with all you soft fur, you will keep the eggs safe and warm.” So Emily went off for a swim.


Waddles waddled over to the nest and made himself comfortable. He felt very proud that he could help Emily and protect her eggs.


Suddenly, Waddles felt a poke. And then l another.  He turned his head to see a red fox crouching behind him. Waddles started to growl.


He knew the fox wanted to steal the eggs. But Waddles had promised to protect the eggs, and Waddles kept his promises. When the fox saw how determined Waddles was, he slowly slunk away.


Then, Waddles felt a tickle underneath him. At first he thought the fox had returned, but one by one, the eggs were beginning to hatch! Soon, five little ducklings poked their heads out of the shells and began to chirp.


“Let’s go find your mother.” Waddles told the ducklings. The ducklings tumbled out of their eggs and made a ragged line behind him. Together, they waddled to the pond.


Emily laughed when she saw them. “Oh, Waddles, what a lovely little family you have!” She said. And  then they all had a swim.



Summer 夏天

Every day, Waddles visited the ducklings. Sometimes Waddles told them stories. Some times they went swimming. Sometimes they shared their favorite snacks. And sometimes they all just cuddled together for a nap in the warm sun. Waddles had never been so happy.


Autumn 秋天

Soon the ducklings were not little anymore. They were nearly as big as their mother. The days grew shorter. The wind blew colder. The ground in the park was covered in leaves.


One morning, as Waddles waddled to the pond, he noticed the park was covered with a glimmering coat of frost. “Good morning, Waddles.” Emily said. “I’m afraid it It’s time for us to fly south. This park will be no place for us when the winter comes.”


This was the saddest news Waddles had ever heard. What would he do without Emily and the five ducklings?


“Don’t be sad, Waddles.” Emily said, “One day it will be spring again, and then we will return.”


The duckling crowded around Waddles and hugged him good-bye. Then, with their mother leading the way, they went scooting across the pond and rose into the sky. Even after they were gone from view, Waddles could still hear them quacking. Finally,their sounds faded, and he was alone.



Winter 冬天

Winter had never bothered Waddles before. His thick fur kept him warm, and the park was always so beautiful in the snow. But it just wasn’t the same. There was no one to tell stories to. Or to ice skate on the pond with. Or to share snacks with. Or to cuddle next to for a nap.


Waddles still looked through the trash cans for food, but he just wasn’t very hungry.


The cold days slowly passed. Then, one day, Waddles discovered a little flower pushing up through the melting snow. Waddles heard a noise in the distance. It was the sound of duck quacking. Many ducks! Waddles raced to the pond—Just in time to see Emily and the ducklings splash down!

寒冷的冬日一天天过去。然后一天,扭扭发现一朵小花从融化的积雪里钻出来了。扭扭听到远处有一阵喧闹声,是鸭子在叫!很多鸭子!扭扭冲到池塘边, 恰好看到鸭子们刚刚降落在池塘上。

“Waddles!” they all cried, “We missed you!” The ducklings, who were now grown-up ducks, crowed around him and hugged him tight. Winter was finally over. The duck had come home!


The trees filled with leaves and blossoms. The sun warmed the water in the pond. Spring had returned and brought Waddles’ best friends with it. Once again, snacks tasted sweet, and life in the park was as it should be. Waddles felt very full.


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