Friends S01E14:搁置爽约往边挪 干得漂亮是媒婆

Friends S01E14:搁置爽约往边挪 干得漂亮是媒婆


1. bail on sb 爽约某人,背叛某人 

听到Chandler可能要爽约,Joey急了说No, no, no, don't you dare bail on me.

bail on sb. Bail的本意是保释 bail on sb 是失信于某人,背叛某人, 放鸽子

2. way to go 干得漂亮 

Way to go = good job = well done 干的漂亮,用于表示快乐、赞同或兴奋。来一首英国乐队Rogue Traders的同名歌曲吧,这首被评为最佳健身伴侣音乐之一的歌曲的确提神醒脑

3. checking coat 存衣服 

Joey的女伴说她的朋友在checking coat就是寄存衣服。在国外的餐厅一般都有衣帽间。冬天北美国家的室内外温度天壤之别。屋外是冬天,屋内是夏天。所以进门时都把厚重的外衣寄存到cloak room (衣帽间)

4. jerk 混蛋 

几个女孩儿在感慨自己情路不顺时,Rachel说How did we end up with these jerks? We're good people!

jerk 一个太常见的骂人的词jerk,一般翻译成混蛋

5. be on sb 请客 

Joey在晚餐中抛下Chandler自己先撤了说Here's my credit card. Dinner's on me

Dinner is on me. 晚餐我请。 类似的说法是it’s my treat. 如果在餐厅里吃饭,waiter免费送你一些食物或酒水,就会讲 it's on the house

6. throw up 呕吐 

由于被Joey抛下了钱德勒对Joey说I hope she throw up on you. Throw up 在口语里是呕吐,相当于vomit,puke

7. jet lag 时差反应 

Ross跟女伴讲一些无聊的话题I'm just sayin' if dogs do experience jet lag

Jet lag 时差反应,但我们通常也说时差,倒时差。而不同时区间的时差是Time difference 时差

8. matchmaker 媒婆 

由于Joey带Chanlder去约会阴差阳错让Chandler和前女友Janice相遇,所以Janice称Joey为matchmaker 媒婆。记得第一次见这个词还是多年前的动画片《花木兰》当中matchmaker song

9. scooch 挪一下腾地方 

Ross让周围的人给Carol腾地方说scooch down. 让点地方,挪一下。Scooch 这个词比较有趣,因为根本就没这个词,这是两个词拼到一起的分别是scoot(移动)+scrunch(碾碎)

10. stick/put a pin in sth 把什么事情暂时搁置一下 

谈到和前妻复合的可能性,Ross说Let's just stick a pin in it, ok? 

stick/put a pin in sth 把什么事情暂时搁置一下,先把什么事情放下再说, 别把话说那么死。Pin 除了当大头针以外还可以当密码讲。

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  • Emma2021

    scootch down:scoot+scrunch碾碎 I have a wacky thought ,what's say, you and I, give another shot for it, let's just put that aside, let's just stick/put a pin in it把。。暂时搁置we are great, you can't deny

  • Emma2021

    slathe my body,lick up,here's my credit card, dinner's on me;it's on the house餐厅出了/it's on me you can't do this to me throw up,I hope she throws up on you JET LAG IS KILLING ME/I'm just sayin' if dogs do experience jet lag,区别于time difference match maker is at the door

  • Emma2021

    nonono, don't you bail on me 失信于某人--stood sb up, bail sb保释 she said yes, WAY TO GO(good job, well done) checking one's coat,cloakroom jerk: how did we end up with these jerks? we're good people