one thousand 1000
one million 1000,000(一百万)
one billion 十亿
trillion 万亿
1.56billion 15.6亿
Grammy awards 格莱美奖
American Music Awards 全美音乐奖
Brit Awards全英音乐奖
The Academy Awards or The Oscars奥斯卡
hurricane [hʌrɪˌken] n. 飓风
flood [flʌd] n. 洪水
typhoon [taɪ'fuːn] n. 台风
tsunami [tsuː'nɑːmi] n. 海啸
tornado [tɔːr'nedoʊ] n. 龙卷风
earthquake ['ɝθ'kwek] n. 地震
sandstorm ['sænd'stɔrm] n. 沙尘暴
be addicted to 对…上瘾
Some celebrities are addicted to playing Pokemon Go.
一些名人也特别喜欢Pokemon Go。