【英文版01】Elon Musk:Disrupt an Industry

【英文版01】Elon Musk:Disrupt an Industry




Elon Musk became an innovator at a very early age. Inspired to be an inventor by the example of Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, Musk considered three areas he wanted to get into that were particularly important. “One was the Internet, one was clean energy, and one was space,” he said. Subsequently, Musk went on to found or co-found the companies PayPal, SpaceX and Tesla Motors.

These three companies produced, respectively, an Internet payment system (PayPal), the first viable electric car (Tesla’s Roadster), and the successor to NASA’s Space Shuttle (the Dragon reusable spacecraft and F9 rocket). According to Musk, he never aimed to disrupt for disruption’s sake. Instead, he strategized around industries that were stagnant and in need of innovation.







When you’re looking for an opportunity, I think it’s important not so much to focus on just disruption for the sake of it, but rather where is an industry either stagnant or in decline, where the product or service has stayed pretty much the same or maybe even gotten worse over time? It’s worth looking at industries which a lot of people think are impossible or think you can’t succeed at - that’s usually where there’s opportunity. If everyone thinks you can succeed in an industry, they’re probably diving in.


In the space industry, things have gotten worse over time. They’ve not gotten better. When you consider the fact that we were able to go to the moon in ’69, with Saturn V, and then with the space shuttle we were able to go only to low-earth orbit, and now the space shuttle’s retired and the United States cannot get a single person into orbit without the help of the Russians. That is a terrible trajectory. So, I started Space X with the goal of reversing that.

举例来说,在航天领域,情况曾经变得越来越糟糕,而且从没有好转的迹象。你要知道:我们曾经在1969年就使用土星5号火箭登上了月球,而在此之后,我们却只能使用航天飞机进入近地轨道。现在,航天飞机已经退役,在没有俄罗斯人帮助的情况下,美国人甚至不能把哪怕是一个人送入太空轨道了。这就是为什么我创建了Space X公司,并将扭转这一颓势作为我的目标。

On the face it, it appears to be somewhat daunting because, you know, how can a startup prevail in an industry dominated by giants who receive huge subsidies? But, on the other side, what those subsidies have done, they’ve made those companies very inefficient and somewhat reliant on those subsidies. They’re not very good at innovation, and they’re unwilling to take risks. So, provided you can get through that initial startup phase, once you exceed them in capability and technology, they have no real ability to catch up.



And that’s what we’re finding with Space X. In the last couple of years Space X has won more launch contracts than any other country, let alone company in the launch business.

这正是Space X所发现的情况。在过去的几年时间里,Space X赢得的发射合同,已经超过了任何一个国家。而那些发射业务领域的公司,更是被远远抛在了后面。

Position yourself to disrupt


The world is going to change so dramatically in the 21st century that, you know, in so many ways, that I think the important thing is to identify something, try to aim for a big problem rather than a small problem. Just look for industries that are functioning poorly and that have been stagnant for some period of time or even in decline, and then it’s worth trying to start a company to change the way that industry behaves.




In this lesson, Musk describes how he learned to recognize opportunities as an entrepreneur in the space industry. Consider taking a similar approach in the industry of your choice.

Identify your disruption space.

Think big.

Isolate stagnant, failing, poorly-functioning industries.




二、 大胆想象


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  • 海涛教练

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    听友217507842 回复 @姓恽儿: qgukllpll

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    【Scalers五一五天英语听说训练营】Day 1 完成人:陈宝宝 我的学习感受: (1)要学会通过例句来回忆单词,不能把单词仅仅当作一种符号记忆。通过自己去找例句,会比短时间的了解一遍记忆深刻,并且能很好的和相关的信息结合起来,通常是谈到什么内容的文章会高频的出现这个单词都会有所了解; (2)反向进英不要靠记忆力。之前我在英语听写小组里面做复习的时候,会采取英译汉、汉译英的模式复习。英译汉基本上大部分都没有问题,可是做汉译英的时候总是会害怕,因为如果有语法问题,自己可能都不能发现。可是今天S老师说不要怕,我觉得还是要做,然后争取在英英对照的时候,尽量对照找出问题点出来,查征,进行知识补全。

  • 张婷_yn

    【Scalers五一五天英语听说训练营】Day 1 完成人:zt 3、完成今日成果清单,发表在本群与喜马拉雅的评论区,格式 1,查单词意思时,注意带入到语境中体会,找到最合适的释义;释义很多,但重点关注两个点,不要将注意力放太宽,影响效率;找单词相关的应用,最好是文章,加深词汇应用的场景。 2,听力最开始尽量5遍听懂,而不是像复读机一样无效率地重复百变;第二次听的时候争取4词听懂,要刻意训练这方面的额能力; 3,通过对比中中翻译、英英翻译,发现自身的改善点,并总结出来改善。

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