You Smile

You Smile




I'm the one thatyou don't see我是那个你看不见的人

Who watches you socautiously那个小心翼翼看着你的人

The one那个

Who loves yousilently静静爱着你


I'm always oneglance behind我永远都在你一眼就能看见的后边

I'm on theoutskirts of your life我在你生命的外围

But you don'tnotice me可是你没有注意到我


When you smile,smile, smile uh huh当你微笑的时候

And in your eyes Iknow I don't exist我知道我不存在你的眼里

Can't resist我无妨抗拒

When I see yousmile当我看见你微笑的时候


When you smile,smile, smile uh huh当你微笑的时候

And in your eyes Iknow I don't exist我知道我不存在你的眼里

Can't resist我无法抗拒

When I see yousmile当我看到你微笑的时候



I'm the one justout of view我是那个被你抛出视线的人

I'm the one you'relooking thru你的眼神如此飘忽

So close即使离你如此之近

And yet so farfrom you可我依旧无法贴近你的心


I'm a portraitstill unveiled我是一副未曾揭开面纱的肖像画

Unrealized andfrail虚幻又脆弱

A girl一个女孩

Who's scared tofail惧怕失败的女孩


When you smile,smile, smile uh huh当你微笑的时候

And in your eyes Iknow I don't exist我知道我不存在你的眼里

Can't resist我无法抗拒

When I see yousmile当我看到你微笑的时候


When you smile, smile,smile uh huh当你微笑的时候

And in your eyes Iknow I don't exist我知道我不存在你的眼里

Can't resist我无法抗拒

When I see yousmile当我看到你微笑的时候


Oh yeah I'minvisible, I'm vulnerable to you我对你来说是虚幻和脆弱的

Oh yeah tell mewhat I need to say, need to do可以告诉我要说什么,要做什么好吗



When you smile当你微笑的时候


Oh when will Icatch your gaze何时我才能得到你的关注

Every look leavesme more amazed你的每一瞥都让我看到奇迹

By you在你身边

With you I meltaway在你周围我感觉将要融化

One moment is allit takes只需要一刻就好

To change yourlife to change your fate改变你的生活和命运

And I deserve oneleap of faith我渴望信念的跃动


When you smile,smile, smile uh huh当你微笑的时候

And in your eyes Iknow I don't exist我知道我不存在你的眼里

Can't resist我无妨抗拒

When I see yousmile当我看到你微笑的时候


When you smile,smile, smile uh huh当你微笑的时候

And in your eyes Iknow I don't exist我知道我不存在你的眼里

Can't resist我无法抗拒

When I see yousmile当我看到你微笑的时候



When you smile当你微笑的时候

When I see yousmile当我看到你微笑的时候



