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1. In 2007, one in eight Americans was born abroad.

听力点1: functional words v.s. content words 功能词 对战 内容词




听力点2: 分数表达

one in eight –1/8

one in seven –1/7

one in fifteen—1/15 

例句: in 1998, one in twenty Chinese can afford a car. 


2. My mother's Cuban and my dad is Australian, my mother’s black, my father's white. But America is this melting pot. You know, I'm a black Latino with freckles. And that's kind of America. We're this melting pot and we always have been. We've been the place that people are desperate to get to because they know once there, their story can be written. It can be anything.


听力点1: 词汇部分

l   Cuban  /ˈkjuː.bən/ n. 古巴人

l   Freckle /ˈfrek.əl/ n. 雀斑

l   Melting pot 大熔炉(许多种族的国家或城市)

例句:I love Shanghai. I couldn't picture myself growing up anywhere else. Truly a melting pot here.

l   Get to + 地点, 表示到达某地


听力点2: 发音点

l   dad’s 略读;

l   Australian 的异化发音

l   but 发音

3. Each society in the past created tremendous innovations in civilizations.

All of a sudden we have them all here. It's not just one philosophy. It's many, many philosophies which makes for a very creative country. In the past 20 years, two-thirds of new immigrants have come from Latin America and Asia.


听力点1: 词汇部分

tremendous /trɪˈmen.dəs/ adj. 巨大的

innovation /ˌɪn.əˈveɪ.ʃən/ n. 创新

philosophy /fɪˈlɑː.sə.fi/ n. 哲学

听力点2: 发音点

l   all of a sudden 的连读allova sudden

l   have them 的连读havem

l   并列句做为一个整体读完

l   which从句部分可以断句


4. I think this theory that you can be anything that you want in America. It’s is not a theory. It's a truth. It's a basic truth that plays itself out in every immigrant story.

That’s truly what America has always been about. Coming from someplace else. Coming to a place where you can rise up with your own sweat, and your own hard work and achieve something better than what you might have had elsewhere. So for me the immigration experiment in America will never end because really that's what defines us as a nation.


听力点1: 词汇+表达

play itself out 自我展现自我完成,自我展现

rise up 站起来

with you own sweat and your own hard 靠自己的汗水和努力

achieve something 实现….


听力点2: 发音

l   can 的重读

l   it’s not …. It’s … 句式的音调

l   That’s truly what America has always been about 中间That’s 的略读


5. I think Americans are a collection of incredible souls and beings who believe we are all in this together.


I think Americans are a collection of incredible souls and beings /断句who believe we are all in this together.


6. This is a country where you can take chances. You're allowed to try anything to achieve success and failure is always there. And in order to try things and have failure there, you have to be brave.



l   take chances 冒险

l   be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事(口语超常用)

l   have to 的略读


7. There's a large can-do attitude in the United States.

I think America's a land of opportunity again because, there were no set rules. We sort of invented it as we went along. 


It's this belief that wherever you are in every moment of history, whatever your circumstances, that radical progress is possible.



l   can-do attitude 我能行的态度

l   set rules 固定法则

l   radical progress 跨越式的进步

In 2007, one in eight Americans was born abroad.

My mother's Cuban and my dad is Australian, my mother is black, my father's white. But America is this melting pot. You know, I'm a black Latino with freckles. And that's kind of America. We're this melting pot and we always have been. We've been the place that people are desperate to get to because they know once there, their story can be written. It can be anything.

Each society in the past created tremendous innovations in civilizations.

All of a sudden we have them all here. It's not just one philosophy. It's many, many philosophies which makes for a very creative country.

In the past 20 years, two-thirds of new immigrants have come from Latin America and Asia.

I think this theory that you can be anything that you want in America. It’s is not a theory. It's a truth. It's a basic truth that plays itself out in every immigrant story.

It's really what America has always been about. Coming from someplace else.

Coming to a place where you can rise up with your own sweat, and your own hard work and achieve something better than what you might have had elsewhere. So for me the immigration experiment in America will never end because really that's what defines us as a nation.

I think Americans are a collection of incredible souls and beings who believe we are all in this together.

This is a country where you can take chances. You're allowed to try anything to achieve success and failure is always there. And in order to try things and have failure there, you have to be brave.

There's a large can-do attitude in the United States.

I think America's a land of opportunity again because, there were no set rules.

We sort of invented it as we went along.

It's this belief that wherever you are in every moment of history, whatever your circumstances, that radical progress is possible.

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