04 Power of the Fire Dragon

04 Power of the Fire Dragon


Dragon Masters Book List:

This series should be read in the correct order listed here.

Book 1:Rise of the Earth Dragon
Ages 6-8. August 26, 2014. 
AR: 3.1 (1.0 Point, Quiz #169156);  GLE: 2.2
F&P/GRL: P;  DRA: 38
Lexile measure: 510L

Book 2:Saving the Sun Dragon
Ages 6-8. November 25, 2014. 
AR: 3.4 (1.0 Point, Quiz #171053);  GLE: 2
F&P/GRL: O;  DRA: 34
Lexile measure: 580L

Book 3:Secret of the Water Dragon
Ages 6-8. February 24, 2015. 
AR: 3.3 (1.0 Point, Quiz #173411)
Lexile measure: 560L

Book 4:Power of the Fire Dragon
Ages 6-8. July 28, 2015. 
AR: 3.4 (1.0 Point, Quiz #175415)
Lexile measure: 580L

Book 5:Song of the Poison Dragon
Ages 6-8. April 26, 2016. 
AR: 3.4 (1.0 Point, Quiz #181962)
Lexile measure: 570L

Book 6:Flight of the Moon Dragon
Ages 6-8. September 27, 2016. 
AR: 3.5 (1.0 Point, Quiz #184830)
Lexile measure: 570L

Book 7:Search for the Lightning Dragon
Ages 6-8. February 28, 2017. 
AR: 3.4 (1.0 Point, Quiz #188207)
Lexile measure: 560L

Book 8:Roar of the Thunder Dragon
Ages 6-8. September 12, 2017. 
AR: 3.4 (1.0 Point, Quiz #191266)
Lexile measure: 580L

Book 9:Chill of the Ice Dragon
Ages 6-8. January 30, 2018. 
AR: 3.3 (1.0 Point, Quiz #193813)
Lexile measure: 580L

Book 10:Waking the Rainbow Dragon
Ages 6-8. June 26, 2018. 
Lexile measure: 560L

Book 11:Shine of the Silver Dragon
Ages 6-8. September 25, 2018. 
Lexile measure: 560L

Book 12:Treasure of the Gold Dragon
Ages 6-8. December 26, 2018. 

Book 13:Eye of the Earthquake Dragon
Ages 6-8. April 30, 2019. 

Book 14:The Land of the Spring Dragon
Ages 6-8. September 3, 2019. 

Book 15:Future of the Time Dragon
Ages 6-8. March 3, 2020. 

  • 哈迷Angela


  • 嘻嘻哈哈的成长之路


  • 嘻嘻哈哈的成长之路

    I love it,I love it.

    哈迷Angela 回复 @泡泡糖很难吃: 继续说啊

    哈迷Angela 回复 @泡泡糖很难吃: 你再说一遍

    1891110rxcz 回复 @嘻嘻哈哈的成长之路:

  • 嘻嘻哈哈的成长之路


    心心和月月 回复 @嘻嘻哈哈的成长之路: 听个头!

    1369873xejb 回复 @嘻嘻哈哈的成长之路: gfrhggdhgddhhhhhhhhuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjj my B. Qqqqqwetyui jis hujjiunnjjhhhhhgcnhlzz

    泡泡糖很难吃 回复 @巍巍的朗诵小天地: ccccc??你在干嘛的了?我也想去你的👎。你是一位合格产品合格的学生👨‍🎓!我也想说这两位老师都很棒哦、我是第多条关注➕?是的还是很好👌👌👍👍👍。我是disheng li your new name and your code name was delivered by大的小姐姐真的好可爱好好看好喜欢哦💕,你的人会越来越爱我们大家都是的我们的这些综艺节目真的是太好了真的是太给力了我们都先去看去了我们自己也是看到你来

  • 彩云星柔


    我系兰西 回复 @彩云星柔: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    心心和月月 回复 @彩云星柔: 我就盗!

  • Linda_R

    好想 有一个龙