4月4日早间英文播报:Xi: Collective efforts key to fighting virus

4月4日早间英文播报:Xi: Collective efforts key to fighting virus


File photo shows Chinese President Xi Jinping (R) meeting with Belgian King Philippe in Davos, Switzerland, Jan 17, 2017. [Photo/Xinhua]

President says China will provide more materials to aid global contagion battle

The international community should make joint efforts to fight against the novel coronavirus, which is the common enemy of all mankind, President Xi Jinping said on Thursday.

Xi made the remarks in telephone conversations with Belgian King Philippe and Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

In his phone conversation with the Belgian king, Xi said that the virus recognizes no borders or races and only through making collective efforts will the international community prevail over the outbreak.

Noting that he raised proposals on enhancing international cooperation and stabilizing the global economy during the recent Extraordinary G20 Leaders' Summit on COVID-19, Xi said that China will speed up the resumption of work and production on the basis of consolidating disease prevention and control.

China will overcome difficulties to give priority to restoring and raising the output of medicine and disease prevention materials, strengthen supervision over product quality and provide more materials for the global fight against the disease, Xi said.

Noting that Belgium and Europe are facing stern challenges as the disease spreads around the world, Xi expressed sincere sympathy and firm support to Belgium's royal family, government and people.

When China was at the critical stage of fighting the disease, the Belgian people expressed sympathy and support for China, demonstrating the deep friendship between the peoples of the two nations, Xi said.

China would like to make efforts to help Belgium resolve its current medical materials shortage, share disease prevention and treatment experience with Belgium and jointly promote cooperation in the research of vaccines and medicine, Xi said.

China hopes that Belgium pays great attention to the safety of Chinese citizens, and especially students, in the country, Xi added.

China would like to make joint efforts with Belgium to overcome the impact of the disease, promote cooperation in all areas and promote the development of China-Belgium and China-Europe relations, he said.

King Philippe said that China has taken the lead in controlling the disease, and China's experience can be useful for other countries.

China has offered support for other countries' fight against the disease and made contributions, he said, adding that Belgium appreciates China's supply of medical materials.

Belgium would like to launch cooperation with China in medicine research and development, and he said China is a true friend of Belgium.

In his conversation with the Indonesian president, Xi said the Chinese people have left the most difficult time behind after making great efforts, adding that China would like to offer support and help to Indonesia to overcome its difficulties.

Xi said that China and Indonesia should join hands to encourage the G20 and the international community to focus on crisis response and global economic governance.

Noting that this year marks the 70th anniversary of China-Indonesia diplomatic relations, Xi said that China would like to deepen Belt and Road cooperation with Indonesia and promote closer bilateral ties.

The Indonesian president said that under Xi's leadership, the Chinese people have made great progress in fighting the disease, and the world should learn from China's experience.

He expressed gratitude to China for its material assistance and support, saying that this is of great significance for his country.

Noting that the virus is a common enemy of mankind, he said that Indonesia firmly opposes activities that seek to stigmatize nations.

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播报:Andrew Pasek

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