Chapter 1-004

Chapter 1-004


My father looks to where she's pointing and mutters, “Oh boy.” Then he looks at me and winks as he says, “Bryce, isn't it time for you to go inside and help your mother?” I knew right off that this was a ditch play. And I didn't think about it until later, but ditch wasn't a play I'd run with my dad before. Face it, pulling a ditch is not something discussed with dads. It's like, against parental law to tell your kid it's okay to ditch someone, no matter how annoying or muddy they might be. But there he was, putting the play in motion, and man, he didn't have to wink twice. I smiled and said, “Sure thing!” then jumped off the lift gate and headed for my new front door. I heard her coming after me but I couldn't believe it. Maybe it just sounded like she was chasing me; maybe she was really going the other way. But before I got up the nerve to look, she blasted right past me, grabbing my arm and yanking me along. This was too much. I planted myself and was about to tell her to get lost when the weirdest thing happened. I was making this big windmill motion to break away from her, but somehow on the downswing my hand wound up tangling into hers. I couldn't believe it. There I was, holding the mud monkey's hand!

  • 杨舜维


    ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @杨舜维:

  • 东篱小老头


    ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @东篱小老头: 感谢支持和鼓励,我会继续努力!

  • 晴空_afz


    ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @晴空_afz: 分两个已经极限了

  • 达纳卓嘎

    ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @达纳卓嘎:

  • 听友443251864

    天呐读的太好了 非常有用

    ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @听友443251864:

  • 听友249975358


  • 小狐狸白凤九


    ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @小狐狸白凤九: 谢谢鼓励!

  • 听友295062912


    ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @听友295062912: 也喜欢他们的英语

  • 涵露星

    C'est la vie

    ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @涵露星:

  • 雅思考八

    描写Juli的词都异常生猛 不是弹射 就是猛的一拉